Chapter 6448

James employed the Terrastride Step and the Dawnblaze Form to navigate through clusters of various-colored gases, every step a nerve-wracking venture.

Though these gases lacked direct force, their corrosive effect on the Ultimate Golden Body was potent.

They were filled with countless restrictions and lightning strikes, constantly threatening him.

Each lightning strike induced temporary blindness and paralyzed his soul.

It was a torment unbearable for most.

Even as he evaded these perils with his Supernatural Power, James found himself confronted by countless Sword Formations, mountainous obstacles, and even various magical treasures within the gas clusters, each encounter fraught with danger.

After just a few hundred rounds, James was battered and bruised, bloodied and disheveled, his mouth oozing blood, in a pitiable state.

Another use of the Dawnblaze Form brought James to a corner of the space.

He took a rest, seizing the opportunity to drink some Chaos Absinthe to heal his wounds and replenish his depleted Chaos Essence.

Yet, it seemed as though everything in this space bore a grudge against him, offering little time for rest as he was engulfed once more by the gases.

This cycle of struggle and recovery persisted over several entrapochs until James, initially grappling with adversity, evolved into a state of composed traversal.

to perceive and evade, even daring to engage in battles against lightning, Sword Formations, imposing mountainous obstacles, and mystical treasures within the

Power was abundantly absorbed

assimilated grew purer and more potent with each passing

and detail within this space was closely observed by Yianni, who

either side, Lesia and Yukha did not miss

occasionally shouted in

while, Lesia

him to

Yianni shrugged indifferently.

"His comprehension is exceptional.

brink of the Fourth


Yukha scoffed disdainfully.

"He’s full of tricks.

he’s just taking shortcuts

"You're spouting nonsense,"

Lesia retorted.

after the Tai

here demands genuine

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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