Chapter 6450


A deafening explosion shook the heavens.

After dodging James’ fierce attacks, Yianni kicked out, shattering the left wall of the formation, and then swiftly soared into the sky.

James followed closely behind, executing eight consecutive steps of the Terrastride Step, instantly freezing the space.

"You're not bad with the Terrastride Step,"

Yianni praised.

Then, he spun around abruptly.

Just as Yianni was about to ascend, James flashed in mid-air and kicked him in the head with a swift Dawnblaze Form, sending him plummeting downwards at high speed.

Yianni also executed the Terrastride Step, transforming into an illusion and landing far away.

Regaining his footing, he could not help but shout in annoyance, "Kid, you're not fighting fair."

James replied, "Mr.

Yianni, didn’t you say that the second extreme of the Fourth Marciais Combat Form, Create, is all about fighting however you want?"

Yianni was momentarily speechless.

He felt somewhat embarrassed.

quickly, and

just mastered the first extreme of the Fourth Marciais Combat Form, yet he

with only fifty percent of his power, James was already a

just a spirit of his master, Yianni possessed the strength of

of it, James’ current strength was at least at the

"Shall we continue, Mr.


James asked.

you want to fight however you want, then let’s

Yianni replied.

and rushed towards James at an even

not dare to

with the mysterious

world-shattering battle ensued between James and Yianni in

rampaged, and cracks immediately appeared in the space, accompanied by the howling wind and the sound of explosions,

was a showdown

defended, but Yianni also explained various key points and secrets of

battle lasted for two

Yianni opened another space to

repeated several hundred times, with both James and Yianni rushing from the shattered spaces back to the origin of


became spectators, earnestly studying various

evenly matched, displaying a violent and fierce beauty that

up, "They seem to have no fixed moves, yet

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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