Chapter 6455

"I don't want to see him carry burdens that aren't his, to begin with,"

Lesia said firmly, "I hate it even more when someone tries to influence or control his thoughts and actions to make him carry on their ambitions or missions.

"He is who he is.

He can do whatever he wants, however he likes it."

Lesia slowly lowered her hand that was holding the dagger.


I tolerated when you guys used him because he could improve his powers during the process.

One must be strong enough to execute their plans.

"However, I would never allow you guys to brazenly manipulate him or even plan out what he should do in the future."

Yianni grunted.

"Aren't you using him too?"

"I have."

Lesia nodded.

"However, that is in the past now.

I am now a part of him.

I live if he lives, and I die if he dies.

Yianni seethed, "You..."

"You've served your purpose."

Lesia snorted.

fourth extreme

wit, he’s probably started mastering the final extreme by himself



few steps backward in

am the Marciais Combat Form’s creator, Yianni’s spirit! I am Yianni himself!

of your existence is to


had a lengthy conversation with your master once, and we predicted

I’m doing now is a

slumped onto

was ina state of

intended for him when

peak of the Marciais Combat Form is the

cast a glance at

the Marciais Soul is the

him back then, so

for him to offer his life for

owned by the cultivator who could achieve the peak of

the clash over

let out a

yourself, or do you want

of despair was

have already decided

you here to make sure


why I’m

will have to J reduce

"I get it now."

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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