In the next second, Hador waved his hand again.

He threw Xzavion and the others into the black energy ball.

Upon seeing this scene, Yrian was anxious.

“Sir Hador, if you do this, the Path’s Chosen One—” “Although James places great importance on friendship, he’s a pragmatist.” Hador cut off Yrian.

“To be his friend, having a righteous spirit isn't enough.

One must have the courage to risk his life and the ability to sweep out an army.” Yrian was at a loss for words.

After James turned into three rays of light in gray, black, and white and went out of Jaert Region, he turned into his main self immediately.

Glancing at the entrance of Ying World in Jaert Region, he shot out another power of gray, black, and white.

He instantly activated the Chaos Hongrome Formation again.

It was the last life-saving treasure of Ying World.

With his power of the Fifth Xaeclon Rank, the defense and might were stronger.

powerhouse in the Seventh Xaeclon would find it

James used the Terrastride Step to shoot up to the

to the cultivation-suppressing formation in Ying

lifted the curse of the Yuraeceon

the border of the Dark World’s entrance, he activated his Supernatural

only did he increase its defense power, but he also planted countless Historial Great Curses

attacked, while carrying out defense, it would activate the curses and mysterious

attack the attacker

that, James turned

stepped out of the formation and appeared in the Demon Dungeon

the Demon Dungeon, Quattro and the

all kinds of living beings who cultivated the

the place, he realized that dozens

were millions of

remained the same, but


in the past, he

the living beings who walked out of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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