Inside the Telhervo Holy Site’s main hall, Yegor who was sitting on the floor slowly opened his eyes.

His face broke into a smile.

“What's with that lustful smile? Are you thinking about some other lady?” Herodias said menacingly, “Do I have to keep you ona leash now?” Yegor was momentarily stunned.

Then, he rolled his eyes.

“You can be so overly suspicious.

Come on.

We should go out and welcome an old friend.” Herodias looked puzzled as she watched Yegor stand up and head for the door.

“Old friend? Which of our old friends can still get in here?” She got to her feet and followed behind Yegor.

Just as the two of them exited the main hall, they could see a ball of gray, black, and white lights shot through the air and landed a few steps away.

A middle-aged man materialized from the ball of light.

How did you get in here?!” Herodias was wary of the stranger, which was actually

Yegor laughed

strode toward James and

Herodias was completely dumbfounded.

could recall, she

it alright for us to speak here?” James pulled away from

worry.” Yegor continued, still smiling, “Yehria could only place

spy on the conversations we have in the Telhervo Holy Site.” “That's reassuring.” James turned around and bowed

“Greetings, Lady Herodias.

James Caden.” When Herodias heard the name, her



Chosen One?!” James smiled and

you look different now?” Herodias asked curiously, “ Also, how come I

smiled wryly and explained, “Although you can wield the Tirta Power, you’ve

without getting caught? “As for his appearance, James must have

“That’s right.

more skilled and powerful than us,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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