Meanwhile, Jacopo and Xainte cleared the path, constructing the Sky Bridge step by step until they passed through the Iustus Sect’s territory and entered the Sanctum Genesis World.

Along the way, they eliminated anyone who dared to obstruct their journey.

Jacopo and Xainte grew more confident with each fight and killed countless seemingly formidable opponents, gradually refining their Dawnblaze Form.

By the time the group left the Sanctum Genesis World, almost all their powerhouses at the peak of the Yuraeceon Daelm Rank were vanquished, leaving only weaker cultivators who were too afraid to challenge them.

Suddenly, Jacopo stopped, pointed ahead, and said, “The Xyndaros Genesis World is ahead of us, Sir.

That’s the territory under the jurisdiction of the new alliance.

Uncle Truett went missing after five powerhouses from the new alliance besieged him during his attempt to conquer the Xyndaros Genesis World.

James frowned and inquired, “Who are these five powerhouses?” Xainte stepped forward and answered, ''Tempestara’s Xantoni Fergunt, Javerigh Sect’s Waldo Jefferson, Jercente Sect’s Lamuel Jenkinton, Bellerian Dynasty’s Tace Fajardo, and Yaquis Sect’s Yuldra Tadrond.

reached the Eighth Quasi Daeclon Rank.” Jacopo sighed,

Genesis and focused on cultivating Tirta Poewr, there was still a significant gap between

prior knowledge of these sects and had encountered many of

he had not expected them to unite under this

in unison, “Yaquis Holiness.” James responded, “Oh? What led you to that conclusion?”

his gaze towards James, remarking, "Sir, in the Genesis Worlds, the

and were akin to water and fire, with

Righteous Alliance.” James clasped his hands behind his back and said calmly, “In that case, let’s begin by delving into the new alliance’s background.” As he spoke, he abruptly lifted his hand, swiftly gesturing, unleashing a formidable force that surged into

thickened with splatters of blood and dismembered body parts

black cloud amassed at the periphery of the

inspection, they realized it was not

it was a massive group of tens of billions of troops marching meticulously in military formations with banners soaring high

the army’s vanguard, claiming the lives of hundreds of millions, including numerous powerhouses at the peak of the Yuraeceon Daelm Rank’s Ninth Tribulation


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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