James clasped his hands behind his back, lifted his head, and let out a hearty laugh, “The Tai Chi’s decree is nothing to me.” He squinted, then said, “It seems like you three are itching fora fight to catch up on our old times together.

Well then, I'd be happy to oblige.

Come at me at once.” The trio exchanged glances, then unleashed their powerful auras and launched simultaneous attacks on James from different directions.

James stood his ground completely undaunted by their efforts.

He calmly summoned the Judgment Scythe and Adjudication Sword, then channeled his Marciais Power.

Their forces clashed, marking the beginning of an intense battle.

The three powerhouses at the Quasi Daeclon Rank, fought with their intense Qrohm and Historial Power, unleashing all of their Supernatural Powers.

Meanwhile, James was merely fighting for amusement and to gauge the strength of his old acquaintances.

Hence, he feigned an equal match with them, withholding most of his strength.

Power and Genesis clashed in the void, causing a

grounds split

Destruction!” Matias rose into the air, extending his hands to summon tens

was engulfed by the sea of

whip, unleashing three

unleashing a barrage of Golden Sword Energy

Powers converged on

engulfed the surroundings

James was seen bloodied and disheveled, dropping

with one hand to prevent

battered and

spitting out another mouthful of

really pack

you’ve improved so much.” Princess Lumia, Matias, and Wayra swiftly closed in

were readily aimed straight at him as if a single move

through the tense air like ice, ‘Tai Chi’s decree wants

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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