Lyla wept inconsolably in James’ arms, releasing all the pent-up emotions she had been holding inside. Every tear carried with it a mixture of grievances, sadness, longing, pain, helplessness, and even a hint of excitement.

This once formidable law enforcer who had commanded respect and fear, now resembled a vulnerable little girl, her tears flowing uncontrollably like raindrops.

If there was anything capable of breaking Lyla’s cold front, it was James.

After what felt like an eternity, Lyla’s sobs began to subside, eventually fading into silence. James looked down to see her wide, tear-filled eyes staring up at him, her grip on his arm tight as if afraid he would vanish into thin air.

Gradually, she fell into a deep slumber in James’ arms.

but feel overwhelmed by the weight of her affection. Her persistence touched

her closed eyes and allowed her to rest

his gaze back to the battlefield, James watched as his children fought valiantly against the relentless onslaught of the remnant souls. Despite the overwhelming

faced. While he had achieved great fortunes and great proficiency in the Marciais Combat Form, he

to lead his companions to forge a brighter, more peaceful world, no matter the challenges that

gained control over the battle in the outer battlefield’s fifth level, he promptly carried Lyla to the

into the air, and a powerful fust of wind accompanied

the Forladtt Land were immediately drawn together by the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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