“Hold on,” James suddenly interrupted, asking, “What’s the difference between the Daeclon Mahayana and the Daeclon Rank?" Yegor patiently explained, “As you know, the Daeclon Rank is different from the Xaeclon Rank, which has nine levels.

Meanwhile, the Daeclon Rank only has four levels, namely the Xurxo Daeclon Rank, Yitro Daeclon Rank, Soma Daeclon Rank, and Historial Daeclon Rank.

Living beings are accustomed to calling it the Daeclon Mahayana.” “Every hurdle in the Daeclon Rank is like an insurmountable chasm, each with a prerequisite.

Not only does one need an Ultimate Golden Body, a second body, but one must also be capable of summoning more than four clones and consolidating them into physical entities at the Ninth Xaeclon Rank.

Additionally, one must be able to merge them seamlessly.

“The level one can reach within the Daeclon Rank depends on the kind of power cultivated beforehand.

if one cultivates Xurxo in the Xaeclon Rank, they’ll be unable to advance to the Yitro Daeclon Rank?” Yegor affirmed with

them?” James took a deep breath and pondered, ‘If the Xaeclon Rank determines one's Daeclon Rank’s level, then what’s Yehria’s level?” After the question popped into his

“She has Tirta Power and inherited Tai

she’ll naturally enter the Soma Daeclon Rank.” James’

the Soma Daeclon Rank or the Historial Daeclon Rank to defeat her?” Herodias answered,

the Daeclon Rank with his Marciais Power, although it’s unclear which level he

eyes lit up as he inquired, “In other words, I can also enter the Soma Daeclon Rank with Marciais

entered the Daeclon Rank, he must’ve

finally dispersed the soundproof barrier and walked

“I’ve already convinced them.

condition.” “What is it?” James

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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