James immediately looked in Thea’s direction. He noticed instantly that Thea’s body was glowing with a purplish-black light.

A thick mist surrounded her form. Still, James could see the grimace on Thea’s face.

“Morgott, get back inside the bell now!” James bellowed.

“Calm down, James.” Morgott chuckled. “With your powers, you can access the Great Historial Land. However, you won’t be able to bring your wife and the couple along.

“Let me have your Ultimate Golden Body for a while. I promise to keep your wife and child safe. Your child will surely be born a gifted Historial Child.”

James fell silent.

Lesia transmitted her voice. “Morgott, you may have taken over Master’s body, but that does not mean I will let you do whatever you want.

“If you dare play some sort of trick on us, I will take you down with me.”

“I get it,” Morgott said flatly, “I know you’ve always looked down on me.

However, I’m not a fool. I know what to do and what not to do. After all, I admire James more than you do.”

As he finished, Morgott transformed James’ Ultimate Golden Body into a beam of purplish-red light.

the space and picked up Thea, Herodias,

the tornado, which was surrounded by purple

he sent a part

explosions could be heard as the pair of Xaeclon Rank cultivators were killed

Simeon’s souls and rejoined

to stop Morgott this time. He even tried

of the tornado, it triggered the

skills, the Terrastride Step

her, Thea bit her lip and endured

also tried to help Thea with the pain by channeling the powers of his Great Genesis

the restrictions and formations inside the purple tornado became more

different signature skills smoothly and swiftly to achieve the

was both shocked and impressed by Morgott’s clever and extraordinary ways of combining his skills

considered by many to be

Morgott could do in his spirit form, James could not help but wonder how

made James realize how different he and Morgott were in terms of


as James’ Ultimate Golden Body shot through the barrier located

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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