James nodded with a smile. In truth, he found it unnecessary to say such words, knowing the intentions and personalities of his two seniors. There was no need to bother being formal.

At that moment, a huge purplish-black lotus suddenly rose behind them. It buzzed as spun, descending with a magenta light and quickly enveloping the three of them. James and the others were astonished to find their injuries rapidly healing within the light. When they looked up, they saw Thea sitting on the purplish-black giant lotus, exuding unparalleled sanctity.

“How could I forget? She’s the Heavenly Path now!” Lady Herodias exclaimed excitedly.

“That’s great!” Yegor chuckled. “With the Yin governor, who is also the Dark Heavenly Path, we can’t die.”

James conveyed to Thea, “Retreat to the fourth layer of the Forladtt Land if you can’t hold on. We have our ways.”

want to live and die with

response, James wiped the blood from his mouth. He looked

Tirta Power and the righteous aura towards Corey. At the same time, James stepped on the Tirta Power and the righteous aura to rush towards

roared. His body radiated with purplish-blue light, splitting into one, then two, and eventually eight physical

through the sky as James unleashed a purplish-black dragon with his fist. Simultaneously, he used the Dawnblaze Form to flash and punch again, sending a roaring tiger charging forward. The next moment, the purplish-black dragon and the roaring tiger collided with Corey’s physical clones.

the opportunity, James used the Terrastride Step to appear in front of Corey’s main self and unleashed a barrage of

specialty, Corey fought evenly with James by relying on his transcendent speed and formidable cultivation of the Xalador Daeclon Rank. They exchanged blows from the sky to the ground and from the

both sides exerted all their strength, unleashing all their Supernatural Powers. The purplish-golden Tirta Power, crimson righteous

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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