Meanwhile, James’ group inside the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell was incredibly shaken.

While traveling, they swayed side to side.

Due to the bell’s evolution, its travel speed had already surpassed the limits of the Ninth Xaeclon Rank.

Moreover, they had no idea where they were headed.

“Master, a large group of powerhouses are chasing after us.

Utilize your powers to stabilize yourself.

I need to speed up.” James immediately sat in a lotus position and instructed, “Sit down and urge your powers.” Yegor, Herodias, and Thea, swaying within the bell, hurriedly did as they were told.

Shortly after, the Yuraceon Genesis Bell accelerated and was like a spaceship exceeding the speed of light as it darted through the void.

The group of powerhouses following the bell sped up, but the distance between them grew.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, they quickly unleashed their Supernatural Powers.

terrifying purple forge surged toward the


white-haired old man growled, “Damn

the group of powerhouses exerted their


bombardment, Zenda panickedly dodged

resounded as the giant purple beam

the impact to


mid-air and

“The Forbidden Bloodshade.

has entered the

woman said

in shock at

the Forbidden Bloodshade and feared advancing

the white-haired old

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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