Boom! A thunderous crash echoed as the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell plummeted into a mysterious zone shrouded in bloody red mist.

Inside, James and the others were jolted violently by the fierce quake, leaving them disoriented.

The first to regain composure was Thea.

She scanned their surroundings and gasped, “This seems to be the Forbidden Bloodshade.” James, Yegor, and Herodias exchanged shocked glances, clueless about the Forbidden Bloodshade.

Nonetheless, when they peered out through the walls of the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell, and were utterly shocked by the sight.

The outside surroundings were shrouded in dense crimson mists, and the sky was streaked by blood-colored clouds.

In the distance, the mountains, rivers, and even the flora had fiery red hues, resembling the Forladtt Land’s first level.

What set this place apart was the presence of more than a dozen minor red planets that hovered nearby.

The planets orbited their current world in a slow, deliberate, clockwise rotation, creating a scene reminiscing of a miniature universe.

Moreover, the place had an enigmatic and unfamiliar power.

the surreal landscape, James asked, “What kind of place is the Forbidden Bloodshade, Honey?” Yegor

as she explained, “ My memory is fragmented because I was split in two, but from what I recall, this Forbidden Bloodshade is regarded as the Great Historial Land’s

Temples are afraid

beings born from energy will revert to

James’ anxiety

Thea smiled gently and reassured, “Aren’t I still here?

remain within the Yuraeceon Genesis Bell.” Yegor, who had been listening carefully, suddenly asked

Herodias and

she is the daughter of Tirta, she wasn’t born directly

and born from a

Yegor’s grip on Herodias’ hand tightened, and his


received a message

James inquired, “Do you know anything about the Forbidden Bloodshade?” Lesia replied smilingly, “If I hadn’t regained

achieved a Sundda Second

Lesia continued, explaining, 'The Forbidden Bloodshade’s name

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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