James slowly raised his head, and his expression tinged with arrogance.

“Since you claim to be divine beings that are superior, then prove it.

Adhere to the Bloodshade Theory and serve the mortal beings for a while.” With the wave of ahand, a terrifying surge of crimson light struck the powerhouses.

Their bodies shuddered as their True Essence, Zen, Golden Bodies, and internal organs were enveloped by the light.

Instantly, their faces were colored with shock.

James stated calmly, “I've cast Bloodshade Restrictions into your bodies.

As powerhouses at the Daeclon Rank, you should understand the implications, right?” The kneeling powerhouses were instantly thrown into an uproar.

Bloodshade Restrictions was a legendary Supernatural Power that Emperor Yarden had created by coincidence.

Those who were under its restrictions would effectively become a slave.

Should they harbor even the slightest disobedience or malevolent intent, their master would be alerted, and they could be instantly wiped out.

would their physical bodies be destroyed, but their souls would be obliterated, leaving them no chance

nature, which was why he never imparted supernatural power to even his ten disciples, fearing it would fall

temples learned of the Supernatural Power someday and searched

never managed to uncover

surprise, a mortal

he was using it to control them

abruptly at the change of events

Land’s ruler that

shows no gratitude for

temples and degraded us into slaves.” Persephone’s words added fuel to the fires, stirring up anger amongst

their heads


of the Daeclon Mahayana was their

had become enslaved, their dreams were no

they found more unbearable

voice their objections, James laughed scornfully.“I’ve always conducted

to differentiate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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