Chapter 6826

James was encircled by Jacinth Blossoms, bathed in dazzling light.

Suddenly, he realized that the Chaos Essence and Hongrome Essence in his vicinity, which he needed for the fusion process, had dwindled significantly.

Out of the processes needed to regulate the Three Treasures, James had successfully transformed essence into energy and converted energy into spirit.

All that was left was to allow the spirit to return to nothingness.

However, he needed a substantial amount of power to maximize the potential of the Jacinth Blossoms.

Deprived of the Chaos Essence and Hongrome Essence, he attempted to refine the turbulent Innate Energy.

Fortunately, the lotus protecting him was capable of refining various types of energies.

James focused his Zen and vast amounts of Innate Energy surged toward him from every direction.

The lotus swiftly absorbed the energies, allowing him to harness them.

As he refined the Innate Energy, the Jacinth Blossoms around him began to bloom and emit colorful light rays.

The next moment, a barrage of explosions echoed throughout the Chaos Storm, causing the surroundings to shake violently.

was hovering above the Chaos Storm, suddenly exclaimed, “W-What’s going on? What

the Chaos Storm to regulate the Three Treasures! He is so

shaking the mountains, James

nine lotuses unleashed a

lowered into his body, the lotuses submerged into his

of flames soared from his body, causing

let out a scream and surged toward the peak of the

open, transforming into beams of light

pain coursing through his

out his hands, and a vast

Chaos Storm began to disperse from the bottom to

and shouted, “He’s coming for us! Let’s

Hurry and get out of the way.It seems like he hasn’t gained control over the power he had just gained.If we go challenge him, we’ll be in for

speaking, Chuba grabbed Zemra and disappeared

next moment, James soared into

spread outward, instantly

had completely vented the pain, James stepped on a mass of gray clouds and stood in

surrounding him dispersed into gas, then light participles and

the surroundings returned to

already completely collapsed after

murmured, “So is this what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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