“When Morgott wreaked havoc throughout Zymurgy, he ascended to the FortyNinth Heaven. Emperor Qadeer severely injured him in a hundred moves, allowing Taichu and Tirta the chance to seal him away by sacrificing themselves…”

Zemra suddenly paused.

Chuba fixed his eyes on James and said solemnly, “I must impart some final advice before our time is up.” “First, do not attempt to challenge the Five Path Emperors unless you have reached the Daeclon Mahayana. Though you’ve regulated the Three Treasures and gained immortality, it would not be wise to fight them.

“Second, exercise caution against Yehria. If you’re uncertain about triggering the

Tai Chi Tribulation, do not eliminate her. She isn’t your ultimate opponent.

“Third, you’re capable of manipulating various energies, you still lack control over these skills. Try to engage more frequently in combat, challenge stronger opponents and improve your cultivation rank.

“Forth, trust that Frona’s actions are for your own good and be more lenient with her.

Chuba turned to Zemra and asked, “Is there anything else you’d like to add?”

covered everything. What’s more is there

Chuba was speechless.

“Ah, that’s right. Keep your eyes on Yiannia and Harper. We suspect they may have fallen

and Harper are much younger than

many years ahead. Their whereabouts are unknown, so it’ll be


and said smilingly, “Alright. That’s all we

will be our final meeting, we

All that remains are our

that at life’s end, we would find ourselves in the company

they extended their

winds gushed throughout the area, causing the area to tremble. Flashes of lightning boomed, causing the already cracked Gate

James called

dazzling light escaped their bodies, turning them increasingly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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