Chapter 6895

The next moment, a brilliant cascade of divine light burst forth, revealing a handsome young man with a tall and commanding presence before James.

Clad in a black robe adorned with shimmering hues of holy light, he exuded an aura of majesty and power.

He fixed his gaze on James and gracefully settled into a cross- legged position, radiating an air of serenity and composure.

"Allow me to introduce myself.

1 am Youcef Maevik, known by the courtesy name Quenton Xavian, and I bear the title of Cosmic Lord.

I’m from the Forty-Ninth Heaven and am a disciple under Taishi.

Much like yourself, [ am also one of the Chosen Ones."

Upon hearing this introduction, James’ curiosity was piqued.

The man before him appeared to be mysterious and possessed unparalleled strength.

At that moment, Lesia’s voice broke in abruptly.

"Youcef is Emperor Qadeer’s sole heir and also Yehria’s half-sibling.

You should be careful.

He is considerably powerful."

Upon receiving this revelation, James scruntinized Youcef with interest.

Youcef queried in a deep voice.

"Well? We’re competitors, yet you can’t even extend the courtesy of an introduction?"

James replied, "Why bother with such formalities since you’ve already come looking for me? Well, take your pick on how I should talk to you?"

Youcef chuckled before nodding slightly.

"You’re quite entertaining, more so than the elders in Zymurgy."

His words dripped with condescending arrogance, tinged with contempt.

James responded with a calm smile, "How about something more entertaining, Youcef? Are you up for it?"

Youcef grinned nonchalantly, summoning two exquisite wine jars into existence within the void.

With a casual flick of his wrist, one of the jars floated before James.

Then, he said, "This is Wuia Wine.

Even in the Forty-Ninth Heaven, it’s considered a rare treasure.

The Five Path Emperors would only unveil two jars during the Wuia Grand Event, presenting them to deities and emperors of Zymurgy."

"I've heard you’re quite the fan of fine wine.

Before engaging in combat, why not indulge in some wine and chat about cultivation."

James replied with a smile as he waved his hand, "Courtesy before the conflict.

I quite like the notion."

The Wuia Wine jar before him promptly opened, releasing a potent aroma that permeated the air, accompanied by an overwhelming surge of Innate Energy.

James lifted his head abruptly, bursting into laughter.

"Excellent wine!"

Youcef cautioned, "Don’t indulge too much in it.

Wuia Wine is a concoction of Waltraud Power and Innate Energy.

It naturally ferments over countless epochs and contains Wuia Essence.

Its potency surpasses any treasures and elixirs.

"With just a sip, those below the Daeclon Rank can forge a golden body and become qualified to enter into the Daeclon Rank.

However, they’ll also be intoxicated for ten thousand entrapochs.

"Those at the Daeclon Rank can enter the next stage of cultivation, yet they will be drunk for thousands of entrapochs.

"Even someone at the Daeclon Mahayana can barely handle a single jar.

Consuming more could lead to death, bodily dissolution, or even explosion."

James scoffed, "Your true colors have emerged.

Are you trying to prevent me from enjoying myself?"

Youcef retorted, his gaze intense, "I simply fear you’ll perish in an explosion, depriving me of an entertaining opponent.

Wuia Wine differs from your Chaos Absinthe, so take small sips."

James remarked with a grin, "Isn’t that better for you? A jar of wine could eliminate my competition.

You wouldn’t have to waste extra effort."

Youcef snorted, his tone growing cold, "Spare me your insults.

My achievements result from my strength, devoid of conspiracies or deception.

"As the first in the Greater Realms to integrate the Three Treasures, I regard you as a worthy opponent.

If I am to defeat you, it must be through fair and honorable means.

I want to engage in combat and use my strength to overcome yours.

How could I stoop to such despicable tactics?"

Amused by Youcef's sudden display of anger, James chuckled."

You're unlike those supreme beings of Zymurgy.

You're honorable.

I respect that."

Chapter 6896 James grasped the Wuia Wine and raised it toward Youcef, saying, "



Youcef attempted to intervene, but James had already taken several large gulps in quick succession.

The next moment, James became cloaked in a Wama Divine Light.

The crackling of lightning and the rumble of thunder immediately followed, dimming the surrounding sky.

Youcef rose in astonishment and said, "I warned you against recklessness, yet you chose not to listen.

Must you rob me of another worthy opponent? James, encircled by the vibrant divine light and the tumult of lightning, was unresponsive.

The calamity swirling around him intensified and knocked Youcef away.

However, James stood resolute amidst the swirling chaos of lightning and myriad tribulations.

He held the Wuia Wine in one hand while employing countless mysterious powers from the other to merge the fragmented Genesis Worlds.

After a moment, the divine light surrounding James gradually faded away, along with the lightning and thunder.

As the surroundings returned to calm, Youcef was astonished to discover that James had utilized the mysterious power to seamlessly reunify the fragmented Genesis Worlds.

Now before him unfolded a complete Tai Chi diagram composed of vibrant, colorful energy.

The fragmented Tai Chi World had been restored.

Yet, the restored Tai Chi World differed from its previous appearance, which was stark black and white.

Alongside the Yin and Yang Energies, it now harbored an array of mysterious gases in various hues.

James cast the Innate Xyloria Tai Chi Pear] into the air, and a surge of Innate energy flooded in, causing the pearl to emit a brilliant and dazzling light.

Youcef's eyes widened in disbelief.

The next moment, the radiant brilliance of the Innate Xyloria Tai Chi Pearl enveloped the entirety of Tai Chi World.

Suddenly, life surged anew, and every being within the world was simultaneously bathed in the divine lights.

All of them began to praise and worship reverently.

Youcef gazed in disbelief at the scene unfolding before him.

"Is he insane? He just used such precious energy to merge the worlds of lowly beings?"

Having integrated the Tai Chi World, James wiped his hands and turned to face the bewildered Youcef."Youcef, I owe you one.

Without the Wuia Wine, I doubt I could have unified the Tai Chi World so quickly.

I probably would’ ve died of exhaustion."

and said, "But is it


and replied, "You know we'll have

Essence to enhance your cultivation, potentially reaching the Soma Daeclon Rank’s peak and improving your odds

to waste it on merging the fractured Tai

Are you insane?"

a faint smile

answered, "Didn’t you want to discuss cultivation? Well, I just showed my cultivation way to

"That was your

James affirmed, "Yes.

you view all beings as lowly and insignificant, in my perception, I

working together for a common

as if his soul had been struck

had always believed that he possessed the most benevolent attitude toward all living beings among Zymurgy, considering himself open-minded and possessing

James, he felt

6897 Observing the Tai Chi World from above, Youcef was astonished as his Zen perceived the creatures

paid homage, a shimmering array of colorful light emerged from their heads and

in disbelief, and

How can this be?"

he witnessed the collective Spiritual Providence slowly ascending into the void, enveloping James within it as he sat

filling the void of the entire Tai Chi World, including the Great Historial

transparent and potent energy

the Tai Chi World, Great Historial Land, and

these events, Youcef said tremblingly, "Zymurgy and the Greater Realms

means Zymurgy has relinquished its control over

remained seated in the radiant Spiritual

outcome of the collective Spiritual Providence

the Xyloria Tai Chi ruled, such potent Spiritual

isn't even the current Tai

still alive, so how did

you still want

voice came from the void, imbued with

these words, gazing up at James in the void as

Spiritual Providence from creatures across the Greater Realms, he was invincible

that, he had integrated

fought in Zymurgy, Youcef was confident about

in the Greater Realms,

his fists and said, "Of

have the Spiritual Providence of these

James nodded solemnly, "Alright.

Let the fight begin."

furrowed his brow, swiftly bringing

with a brilliant, dazzling divine light, surrounded

and unleashed a formidable divine light straight

divine light collided with the Spiritual Providence and erupted

from the blast with incredible speed, Youcef

head-on, engaging in a fierce

clash of fists and

the Tai Chi World, Wama Divine Light streaked across the sky, intertwining with the Spiritual

themselves evenly matched, each unable to

strength, formidable combat

disparity in cultivation and harnessed the formidable strength of

Another deafening blast ensued, hurling

"You have the Wuia Demon-Slayer

it? Are you

"That won't be necessary.

Just watch,"

James replied condescendingly.

swords burst out from his body, spreading throughout the

forming a

explosion rattled the surroundings, yet

mortal beings? Invincibility in the Greater Realms? Guess

to attack fiercely, he was startled to


laughter faded

said calmly, "It’s

You’re indeed strong.

supreme in the

his throat, a

he closed his

would’ve thought that a mere jar of Wuia Wine could make you an emperor unmatched in the Greater

this is my

Go ahead, James.

knowledge, I pale in


"Are you

Youcef’s eyes snapped open.

became strained and

calmly, "It’s honorable for you

you’ve brought me quite a

return, I'll

lead the Greater Realms’ living beings up to Zymurgy, and we’ll

I'll keep my word."

speaking, the divine sword pressing against Youcef’s throat suddenly withdrew, emitting a

at the turn

defeat since embarking

was a complete defeat and was a great

at James, surrounded by

fairness holds no

Just end it."


shaking his

simply want to have a thrilling opponent to fight in

Youcef's handsome features twitched.

"Just wait.

endure this

Heaven, we shall

fate will decide our

he turned to

stopped him and said,

to Zymurgy’s

mortals, also

fact, our grace

nodding solemnly


Until we meet again."

that said, Youcef transformed into a divine

Lesia’s voice immediately resounded.

gained a

responded calmly,

his hand, and a dazzling and colorful Tai Chi diagram

of countless Genesis

contained different universes

Tai Chi Pearl emitted a brilliant black-and-white light, intertwining

Yang Energies formed into two

Path was for beings

was catered to

path emerged and was paved by the Spiritual Providence of all living beings, enabling even the weaker mortals to improve

Yang, which

in their

Yang connect

Spiritual Providence has returned all to a true

nature are indeterminate,

toward the

forth, and Karma Tribulation Clouds emerged within the Tai Chi

use a Heavenly Path to govern the Greater Realms? Instead, will it be covered by Karma

Chi diagram and responded

will be controlled by

won't be perfect even if one sever ties with the

you underestimating Heavenly Paths?

smiled and

grown stronger now and are looking down on your

James chuckled, "Never.

gained consciousness, we’d best lost and would never have come so


above the Tai Chi and merged Greater Realms now, bringing

James nodded lightly.

"That’s valid.

it wasn’t me but Morgott,


how the Greater Realms turned out? According to Morgott,

Thea remained silent.

Emperors originated from him, right? Emperor Qadeer is his esteemed disciple, is he not? Look how

guise, they manipulate the Spiritual Providence of the

as slaves and are

nothing, and we'd be killed if we were to

eyes, they are supreme and

as James’

cannot achieve perfection,

I can’t

it’l] become a nightmare for the Greater Realms and the

want to have rigid

everyone will be judged by their

actions will determine

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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