As one of the Primordial Spirits pounced at him, James gave it a hefty kick and sent it flying away.

Then, James swung the Jozo Sword forcefully, generating a huge blast of the Wama Sword Light.

The attack obliterated all of the Mystic Fox's Primordial Spirits in one go.

After that, James performed the Terrastride Step and headed for the Mystic Fox.

At the same time, a gigantic formation appeared around James and the Mystic Fox, trapping them within.

In a flash, Quell Lightning zoomed above their heads while the Bleis Flames burned fiercely around them.

Simultaneously, the Galeat Winds roared through that space.

The Mystic Fox was taken aback by the horrifying sight around him.

“What is this...” The fox trailed off as he spotted the dense gray clouds gathered at the top part of the formation.

Just then, James’ forty-nine Primordial Spirits, each holding a weapon, materialized just below the clouds and shot toward the Mystic Fox.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Suddenly, multiple explosions went off around the Mystic Fox.

Despite the ongoing explosions, James’ Primordial Spirits did not stop as they rushed into the cloud of fire and smoke.

only moving lights and changing shadows could be

the Innate Energy and the

short while later, a beast-shaped form jumped out of

struck by countless Quell Lightning

pain, the Mystic Fox hurriedly

going?” James’ voice

top of the formation when a

right back into

muttered through

feet but suddenly started

engulfed in the

him, James who was levitating mid-air loosened his

sword dropped and stabbed into the fox’s abdomen and onto the ground,

Mahayana Rank cultivator who has the

number eight cultivator on the Forty- Ninth Heaven’s Top

you’ve got?” James continued monotonously, “Are all Xanthakos’ disciples of

the Jozo Sword’s hold no matter how hard

huge beam of Wama Divine Light shone down on the


beam of purplish-gold light shot past him

the Mystic Fox out of the spot where he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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