Yianni, Lesia, Morgott, and Hankin exchanged glances, seemingly having something to say.

However, they held their tongues.

James asked suspiciously.

“What's wrong? Don’t you know where she is?” Yianni finally broke the silence and answered, “The Gate of Mystery is the source of the world, divided into the Tohmuna and Delmuna.

I was imprisoned in the Tohmuna.

I attacked the Gate of Tohmuna with my powers for eons.

I only managed to escape after achieving the unity of Primordial Spirits.

“Harper is a woman who practices Historial Power, which uses energy as its foundation.

Although she is stronger than me, she can’t break through the Gate of Delmuna alone.” “Tohmuna, Delmuna,” James murmured, narrowing his eyes.

asked, “Is it located within this space?” Yianni nodded

don’t know the exact

of them only

could finish, James suddenly spread his hands,

a whooshing sound, the Sword Lights

shook, and the wind

the Historial Helmnor Formation’s

the Twelve

golden bodies were pierced, they

Yianni, and Morgott were startled by

the other hand, Hankin lightly twisted

the Forty-Nine Heavens Punishment Hall, Youcef, battered and bruised

of black light flickered, and

at Youcef furiously and growled, “You rebellious son! You conspired with outsiders against

your father?” Youcef’s eyes remained shut,

Emperors, and the Marauder Army? Did James already

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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