Emperor Qadeer stood atop a high red wall in the vast Glyndor Palace, situated north of the Qadeer Temple. He surveyed the assembled divine beings from Zymurgy, who were positioned on both sides. Only the most powerful heroes and overlords of Zymurgy could enter the Glyndor Palace. Even the lowestranked among them were rulers of temples above the Fortieth Heaven. This was a gathering of the elite.

Among them, the most prominent figures were the Fourfold Emperors, the gods of the Four Seasons, Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

Additionally, there were the five Jadron Holiness, the thirty-six Sea Emperors, the eight Kalydor Sovereigns, and the seventy-two Golden Gods, commanding eight million Soma Daeclon Rank soldiers. Each divine being displayed their

Golden Bodies, immense in size, seated on zafus, radiating purple and gold light, exuding a holy and majestic aura. Along with the temples above the Fortieth Heaven, the gathering comprised over seventy percent of the top forces of Zymurgy.

a distinguished guest, alongside the

their zafus, the room falling into a hushed silence as they

the retreat of Waitara Path, the Greater Realms have been leaderless and in chaos. Countless have defied Daoism, rebelled against it, and broken its laws. The Demonic Path and its minions constantly seek to overthrow the current order and the laws established by Waitara Path,” he sighed deeply. “In these troubled times, it is fortunate that you all have fulfilled your duties and united in purpose, allowing the Greater

back, then continued with a heavy sigh, “However, I must share unfortunate news. Our Greater

puzzled looks. Meanwhile, Thea was engrossed in communication with James. James had explained his plan in detail to Thea, deciding how Thea, as the representative of

demeanor. He recounted his struggles to maintain the order left by Waitara Path, his efforts to eliminate rebels, and his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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