The Jawdat Region exists amidst the expanse of the Forty-Ninth Heaven, a pristine domain dedicated to the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness It is also revered as the birthplace of the Waitara Path, acknowledged as the Genesis of Paths.

Situated eighty-one billion light-years beyond the surface of the Forty- Ninth Heaven, neither gods, demons, nor even the Xyloria Gods could use their divine powers to reach the place.

The only access to the Jawdat Region is through the unpredictable Whirlwind Sentinel, which was a very rare phenomenon.

After one enters the Jawdat Region, regardless of their level of cultivation or strength, they are purified by the boundless energies within.

All powers are stripped away, reducing them to their primal state and leaving them devoid of everything they possess.

Thus, the Jawdat Region is known as the first taboo of the Haleth Realm.

Even the Taiyi and Taichu would hesitate to venture into its depths.

However, at this moment, on the normally quiet edge of Jawdat Region, three unexpected guests appeared.

They stood before a massive and brilliantly gleaming temple, but none dared to take a step beyond.

It was none other than Xanthakos, Quintus, and Quentyn, who had stealthily infiltrated here while the Forty-Ninth Heaven was in turmoil.

and awe-inspiring temple ahead, Quintus sucked in a

"The Covenant Temple.

Caeloros Temples?" Xanthakos said smugly with


cause and effect,

as the


each of these

no chance to resist and would forever be oppressed.” Xanthakos said confidently, “It’s

Emperor Qadeer! To be able to see the origin of the Haleth

Quentyn?” Xanthakos raised an eyebrow

said, “I don’t

I do have a

around the bush this

straight answer now?” Quintus also looked curiously

they left the Qadeer Temple, Xanthakos had been secretive towards both of them, not informing them of anything, treating him and Quentyn like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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