“Frona, you despicable bitch!” Yefrenes roared desperately, channeling all her energy to fend off the onslaught of attacks.

Meanwhile, James sat cross-legged at the highest point of the formation, calm and composed.

His 49 Primordial Spirits constantly cast and controlled the Supernatural Powers within the formation, launching unrelenting assaults on Yefrenes.

James refrained from engaging in close combat for several reasons.

First, he wanted to test the full power of the new formation to see if it could withstand the full force of a Caeloros God of Nothingness.

Second, he aimed to gauge Yefrenes’ current strength after being halved.

Third, he intended to delay time.

He knew that the longer the three Caeloros Gods of Nothingness remained in the Haleth Realm, the weaker they would become.

sense to confront them at their peak

her power would

then, her fate would be in

the Historial Palace, Zbynek

spinning rapidly from outside but could not see

think James will win, Lilibeth?”

“It’1] be tough.

two Caeloros Gods of Nothingness to leave, Yefrenes is still

percent strength, a divine being from the Haleth Realm can’t possibly stand against

can only watch and do nothing? I must remind you that though we’re not from the Haleth Realm, we’re tightly connected

Garuda gains control over James.” Lilibeth closed

breaking a seal cast by a

can’t wait

can’t escape, we can at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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