Suddenly, James said, “It’s to deal with us.” Thea looked at him worriedly and asked, “Deal with us? What do you mean?” James took a deep breath.

“Be prepared.

On our upcoming journey, we might encounter many of our friends, including people we care about the most.

To find the Waitara Path’s past form, we'll have to kill them.

Otherwise, we’ll be trapped in the River of Time forever.” Thea immediately came to a realization.

The Waitara Path intended to torture them mentally and emotionally.

It was cruel to force them to stand against their friends, acquaintances, children, and parents.

In the face of these frenzied attacks, not killing them would mean being trapped.

torture of having to kill so

and despicableness lay in its ability to

Historial Power, giving Historial beings a true

who valued emotions and loyalty, such mental torture

Thea gritted her teeth.

vicious! He may have his schemes, but we

us to use the Gate of Mystery to collect them.” James put his hand behind his back

Waitara Path’s past form.” Thea rushed before him and asked, “What do you mean? Are we at his mercy?”

tapped Zella’s forehead with two fingers, extracting a beam of holy light from her soul

figure appeared in the

were dense

watched nervously, knowing James was trying something new to extract the Waltraud Power

be able to offer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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