The strange black light swiftly advanced toward Thea.

In desperation, she thrust her palm forward, colliding with the massive black light with a resounding boom.

There was no explosion or retreat—only the eerie black light absorbing Thea’s Hongrome Aura.

An unsettling laughter filled the air.

Feeling her Hongrome Aura being drained, Thea tried to withdraw her hand.

However, it was as if her power was being sucked into a black hole, making it impossible to pull back.

Never having encountered such a bizarre situation, Thea instantly recognized the danger and shouted, “Save me, James!” Having just completed Zella’s destiny file, James looked up and was immediately enraged.

He instantly transformed into an amethyst-gold Sword Light and shot into the air.

The eerie black light that was absorbing Thea’s Hongrome Aura suddenly transformed into Hetsema once more.

Thea, and just as he was about to clutch her throat, James

a sudden, muffled sound, Hetsema, in his frenzy, broke

spun around and swiftly carried

loud explosion, the eerie black light sweeping through the

held Thea with one arm and raised Hetsema’s severed

heart was boiling with

Waitara Path’s past

but doesn’t qualify

higher- level substitute compared to a puppet.”

absorbing your Hongrome Aura, but the Waitara Path controlling


spoke calmly, “You don’t need to be

in the Haleth

top of that, you’re an Alcide being,

Spiritual Providence, your powers

your powers.” Understanding

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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