“Of course I know!” Wynton stared at James.

“But the answer I seek isn't from you.

I want it from her.

As for the bet, I will honor it.” Frona glanced at James, then took a deep breath.

“Fine, I'll give you this opportunity.” Wynton inhaled deeply and asked through gritted teeth, “You can tolerate James' unconventional and rebellious actions, so why can't you tolerate me?” Hearing this, Frona slowly closed her beautiful eyes.

James also turned to look at her, feeling somewhat curious himself.

Logically, the creation of the Historial Daoism from the Forty- Nine Daoisms by Waitara Path was not a huge mistake.

However, it provoked such wrath from the Caeloros Gods that Haleth Realm had to change rulers.

“Can't you answer?” Wynton stared at Frona.

just speechless?” Frona pondered for

Answer me first, what do the past, present, and future mean?” Wynton was

either,” Frona said

answer but refuse to acknowledge it, as it would expose your

at Wynton, then said, “ Earlier, James refuted your Historial Daoism completely during

humiliate yourself, I will grant your wish.” Frona walked a few steps beside James with her hands

divides the past, present,

of the

fate of all divine

Forty-Nine Daoisms, we consider karma to determine tribulations, tribulations to determine fortune, fortune to determine life and death, and life and death to

beings, once they come into

no past or future,

karma and concluded by tribulations,

doesn’t need to be controlled or arranged by


wild and unregulated, but it is more tolerant than that of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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