Chapter 91 A Request from the Stewart Family

It had been a considerable time since Caspian’s last visit to Southlake Corporation. This time, he walked directly into the CEO’s office.

“Mr. Lynch, when did you return?” Miranda asked. She was clearly surprised by his

unexpected presence.

She was unaware of Caspian’s return, as Willow had not mentioned anything about him being back in the company.

“I came back after wrapping up some business. Let’s talk inside the office,” Caspian replied.

“Of course,” Miranda nodded and followed Caspian into his office.

“How’s everything with Willow at the company?” he inquired.

“I’ve been assisting Mrs. Lynch, and everything is running smoothly,” Miranda replied respectfully.

She was keenly aware that despite Caspian’s low profile, he was far from an ordinary


After all, he had left a substantial impression at her wedding, with John stepping in! Inviting such influential figures like John wasn’t something just anyone could do.

A person with such strength who remained low profile was a rarity for Miranda, leaving her deeply captivated by his enigmatic presence.


Despite her disappointment upon discovering his marriage, Miranda felt truly honored to

work under him.

“Thank you for being present at my mom’s funeral,” Caspian remarked as Willow had already informed him about Miranda’s present that day.

“You knew about that?” Miranda asked, taken aback.

“That’s right, Willow told me about that,” he replied casually.

“Mr. Lynch, please accept my condolences,” Miranda said solemnly.

“My mom’s funeral was rather subdued. I’ll organise a memorial service in two days, and I hope you’ll attend,” Caspian stated thoughtfully.

“Of course! I’ll be there without a doubt,” Miranda replied.


and handle


to handle the Flying Dragons and

calm, with

bow before Lilith’s grave in two days. Julian’s

Flying Dragons and the York family did in the next two days,

in mind, Caspian made

going on?” she

a memorial service for my mother. I need you to

I’ll handle it,”

of Southlake City’s media companies, television stations, and any large screens to broadcast scenes of my mom and those bastards fighting.” Caspian’s voice

Southlake Citte

continued, “I want everyone in know that my mom was a heroine who was murdered by the scum from the Flying Dragons

“Understood,” Sylvia replied.

wreaths and banners. The memorial

message right away,”

crush the York family and the Flying Dragons no matter what!”

Lord Caspian,” Sylvia

an unexpected call from

a rare occurrence for Marilyn to

behind the call.


I’ve missed you, and it’s been so long since we


and I’d love for and Caspian to join us for a meal. I also want to spend


memories of the

each other’s company. Rest assured that no one will dare to speak ill of you this

come after work.” Willow

to bring Caspian along,” Marilyn reminded

it was a family dinner, it seemed only suitable to

talk to him and see if he’d like to

not, your

attendance was optional, but

had barely ended one call when Willow’s call

on, Willow?”

Stewart Residence today. Grandma called

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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