Chapter 134 I Will Have My Revenge

“Dad, you gotta help me out! I can’t possibly just let Caspian disrespect me like this! He even wanted me to apologize to Stephanie! Doing that would just be basically admitting that Lana attempted suicide because of me. You can’t just let him disrespect us!” said Jeremy.

“Well said,” praised Belvin.

“Honey, we need to teach that good–for–nothing Caspian a lesson to avenge our son. Or else he might start to think that we’re easy prey and continue to bully Jeremy,” Bailey chimed in.

Jeremy continued, “That’s right! I’m fine with being beaten up and all. But your reputation might be at stake here!”

“I’ll need to investigate something before I teach him a lesson,” answered Belvin.

He hadn’t yet known of Caspian’s true identity.

But even he could tell that Caspian wasn’t just any ordinary person.

Bailey was annoyed. “What’s there to worry about? That Caspian guy is just some good–for- nothing punk!”

“Shut up! What do you know? Just let me handle this on my own,” scolded Belvin.

Meanwhile, back at the Riverside Villa, Caspian was lying on the sofa when he suddenly remembered that the villa had multiple hidden cameras installed.

They were installed as safety measures against theft.

He suddenly realized he could find out what happened to Lilith inside the house.

He poured through the recorded footage and saw that Lilith was welcomed for the first few days when she arrived. However, Kate quickly grew bossy and started making things difficult

for Lilith.

Lilith seemed compliant even while Kate started treating her worse and worse. Kate would often leave the trash around the floor and even had Lilith wash her feet.

Caspian was furious as he witnessed his foster mother being treated like a maid around the house by Kate. He had initially brought Lilith here to live a better life.

As he went through the footage, Caspian saw that Lilith was kicked out of the house by Kate on the night that she was killed.

came to a realization as to why Kate was behaving sheepishly and even left the villa on her own accord. He had


been an attempt at covering

fact that Willow had willingly helped

started to lose his patience and headed toward her

finished showering and was eager to have some alone time with Caspian

as Caspian barged

jumped up in surprise and pouted.

was pretty cute for already taking the

Caspian’s eyes contained nothing

in the eye and asked, “Why was my mom at Riverside Park

spoke so coldly toward her. He had always accepted everything Willow dished out at him, but

to Lilith from him.

stunned by the


fool and quickly realized that the goody two shoes before her had good

“Answer my question!”

why Willow had been hiding

her head and answered, “My mom had kicked Madam Ziegler out of the house

figured that Caspian must’ve already seen

the truth

me about this upon my return from

was afraid that you might fly into a rage

trembled, and

guilty about it ever


forgiven Mrs. Stewart if you had told me the truth

then turned to leave the

she knew better than anyone that once Caspian vowed revenge, he would seek an eye

since he started avenging Lilith. Kate would just be one more target among

him and hugged

my mom!” begged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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