Chapter 188 Geomancy Master

“Mr. Shaw, are you sure?” the soldier asked curiously.

He didn’t want to die.

“Don’t worry. Just do as I say and nothing bad will happen!” Henry continued.

But he was lying as there was no way to change the situation anymore.

The soldier had no choice but to follow Henry’s order.

However, this time, the White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise simultaneously attacked the Azure Dragon.

The Azure Dragon suffered a devastating defeat!

The soldier watched helplessly as the piece got eaten and felt a sense of impending doom.

Just as he prepared to escape, a massive stone came crashing down, turning him into a pulp!

Seeing the three bodies on the ground, everyone suddenly realized that Henry had been lying!

“You deceitful old man! How dare you trick us!”

“Yeah! How dare you act confident when you’re not even sure!”

“Damn it! And you call yourself a master?”

“This old guy doesn’t have any skills. He doesn’t even care about our comrades‘ lives!”

“Don’t believe a word he says anymore!”

The special forces soldiers were furious, ready to lay hands on Henry.

Seeing this, Henry immediately hid behind Taylor.

“Mr. Taylor, you must protect me! I came all the way from Tigra. How could I be a fraud? The constellation board’s situation changes constantly, and it’s beyond my control!” Henry


given to the families of the fallen soldiers!” Taylor knew Henry wasn’t

his three consecutive failures had

them down, but I demand a replacement. I won’t trust this old

subordinates died


call it a day. I’ll consult with King Kan and

hence it wasn’t suitable

could only retreat now and carefully

let’s all calm down. The losses were inevitable. Rest assured that

get compensation. Let’s retreat now

said to his

had to

be nothing more than a

to its original state

was too shaken and dared not attempt

return when I’ve thought of

to save some

wasn’t buying

prepared? Why didn’t you say so earlier? I think you’re

incredibly difficult for me to make


they buried the three

couldn’t sleep the whole night

had been waiting

moment, his

the bedroom and answered

going?” Caspian


crack the puzzle,” he

they wouldn’t

occurred, or they were left behind to guard


men with you

that, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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