Chapter 232 Mahayan Pavilion Has Struck

Hearing that, the heads of the Four Noble Lineages turned their heads toward the door simultaneously, only to see Caspian enter the room with a calm expression on his face.

“Honored to meet you, Mr. Lynch!” The four heads stood up and said with respect.

“Have a seat,” Caspian said as he sat down at the head of the table.

He took in their nervous expressions. “You must have a reason for your visit, right? Just say it

Caspian did not like meaningless small talk. The heads would not be here without a reason, and Caspian had expected they would take action.

The other three heads looked at Howard, who nodded. It was best if he spoke up on such an occasion, so he stood up and said humbly, “Mr. Lynch, we’re here because we have something to ask of you. Can you help us?”

“Can you make your request clearer?” Caspian asked.

Beside him, Sylvia held in her laughter. Caspian knew perfectly what the four heads had in their minds

“The Four Noble Lineages have already broken off all relations with Mahayan Pavilion, so Wylie Jennings is sure to take action against us. We hope that you can help us through this ordeal, Mr. Lynch,” Howard said.


“I see…” Caspian put on a show of sudden realization and nodded.

“Of course, we’re not asking you to help us for nothing. We discussed this among ourselves, and we’ve decided to invest half of our assets in Southlake Corporation. If you think it’s inappropriate, we can also directly confer them to the corporation,” Howard said seriously.

This was their last trump card. Would Casplan accept it?

The four heads were unsure of that

“How shockingly generous! How much are those assets worth, though?” Caspian said with a


dollars in total! Howard

was utterly beyond imagination. But for

money thanks to his tolden Dragon card


silence, the four heads

they clenched their fists tightly as they watched him as it was their last

later, Caspian nodded. “Draft a contract and

Caspian agreed to it, the

was standing beside him, was completely

Four Noble Lineages to confer their assets worth more than at hundred billion dollars to


was in front of Keller, he was

shock. He was

Media will be a branch company of Southlake Corporation in Easton, and you will be the CEO

that the branch company has a stable foothold in Easton and

CEO of this branch company, but he had assumed that it was

Caspian also entrusted him the right

that his eyes were starting to get

I’ll get it

Lynch…” The four heads looked at Caspian. It seemed like they had something to say, but they ended up

will cease to exist in Easton. I’ll

them were finally relieved when they

We’ll take our leave now.” The four heads nodded at him and

protecting them and ensuring their


Caspian! If Mahayan Pavilion dares make a move, a terrible

started to formulate the next

just now, Caspian? I saw the four heads of the Four Noble Lineages here

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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