Chapter 262 Who Do You Think You Are

Meanwhile, at Naporia, there was a famous food street located near Eternal Presence Church.

The street was bustling with people, and various eye–catching snacks were sold there.

“This is great!” Willow exclaimed while enjoying her hot dog.

Caspian led Willow through the street, eating and exploring as they went along. Every time they passed a food stall, they would sample a little of everything.

Willow had been busy with work previously and rarely had much leisure time. This outing with Caspian made her incredibly happy.

“Honey, there’s supposedly a very famous restaurant here. Do you want to try it?” Caspian suggested as he pinched Willow’s cheek.

“Sure, I’m not full yet!” Willow agreed excitedly.

Later on, Caspian took Willow to a restaurant called South River Restaurant.

“This is it.” Caspian pointed to the name of the restaurant. “They have all the specialty dishes. of Naporia here.”

“Hubby, it’s our first time here, but you seem quite familiar with this place?” Willow asked, curious.

“Who said it’s my first time? Back when I led my men fighting across Diatoran, I’ve been to every inch of its land,” Caspian boasted proudly.

“You and your big talk. Diatoran is so huge, so how could you have possibly been everywhere? Don’t try to fool me with your words.” Willow gave Caspian a side–eye.

She didn’t believe him, and he didn’t bother to argue about it.

As the Diatoranian God of War, he had gone to war in many places. However, Sylvia was the one who gathered most of the information about Naporia.

Afterward, the two of them entered the restaurant. It was so crowded, with hardly any vacant


“Honey, it looks like there’s no more seat left?” Willow frowned.

“Please come in, both of you. What would you like to have?”

A waitress, who was smiling brightly, greeted them.




private rooms?” Caspian

have one private room


fantastic! We’re lucky today,” Willow exclaimed

and Caspian followed the

the menu. What would you like to

didn’t even look at the menu before answering, “Bring one of each of

wait a moment,” the waitress replied and left

the two of us. We can’t finish all

eat whatever you can. If we can’t finish them, we can bring the leftovers back to the hotel. We can still eat them after

What exercise? Can we exercise at the hotel?”

coughed. “What do you think? Of course it’s couples‘

suddenly bring that up?” Willow’s face flushed with

food was served. The

dig in!” Willow

amazing! I’ve never had anything this delicious!” Willow

satisfaction between bites.

entirely into a food enthusiast. This side of

already occupied. You can’t


already reserved this


startled at the loud noise and nearly choked since

“Honey, are you okay?”

poured a glass of water

it to willow-

Willow took a sip of water and

That man must have had a dying wish interrupting



Zann, dressed in a suit, and a few others walked

can look for another room for you two?” the waitress

Kyle slapped the

you know who I am? How dare you try to stop

fired?” the man

waitress held her sore cheek, and tears welled up in her

up and looked

apologetically, “I’m

You may leave,” Caspian said

waitress hurriedly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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