Chapter 268 Mr Lynch Save Me.

Vermont froze on the spot, unable to calm down. He ended up getting tricked by Caspian again!

He had thought that a meal would not cost much, but Caspian ended up swindling a hefty sum of mone

out of him anyway.

Vermont was so furious his face turned beet red. The veins on his temple throbbed. He had never been humiliated in this way throughout his decades in Naporia.

The waiter dared not speak when faced with Vermont’s rage.

“Will you pay with a credit card or cash, Mr. Zann Senior?” the waiter asked in trepidation

after a short silence.

Vermont wanted to leave just like that, but 200 thousand dollars was quite a big sum. If he refused to pay, Caspian would surely give him trouble should he find out.

After some consideration, Vermont decided that he would pay the bill.

“I’ll pay with a credit card,” Vermont said with gritted teeth, fishing a card out.

Without hesitation, the waiter swiped the card in the machine. 200 thousand dollars were

deducted from Vermont’s balance.

“Thank you, Mr. Zann Senior!” The waiter presented the card back to Vermont with both


Vermont looked like he had just swallowed a lemon. His heart hurt so much after paying the bill!

of i

Next, he glanced at the food on the table and discovered that most of it was not even touched.

“Pack everything into boxes!” Vermont said sternly.

“Huh?” The waiter was stunned.

“Are you deaf? I said, pack all the remaining food into takeaway boxes!” Vermont repeated in


return empty–handed after spending 200 thousand dollars,

did not expect Vermont, who was from a prestigious family in Naporia, to take

to eat food

leftovers. He did not want to see


Zann Senior, wait!” Just as Vermont was about to


Vermont asked

a place to vent his anger, he was furious, and


to compensate for all the losses incurred in this restaurant today. A

it! Tell me, how much do

showed him the bills he was holding. His voice quivered as he said, “1.5


my card!” Vermont frowned. He had to choose the option of

pointed at the floor and whispered,

at him in

up! Say my name again, and I’ll have my men beat you up!” Vermont roared

anger, he turned away and headed toward his


fell to the


floor so wet? It made


to remind you… that you should be careful because the floor is wet …” the

Argh!” Vermont kicked the car

suite in Naporia Grand Hotel, Sylvia said respectfully, “Caspian, you two are

“What happened?” Caspian asked.

ago, and it looks like he’s here for an urgent matter. Do you want to meet him?”


waited for so long, anyway. He can wait for some more time.” Caspian waved his hand

sweaty after dinner, aren’t we? Should we take


a blush

Caspian to say that to

walked into the bathroom while Sylvia returned to her

waited uneasily in another

Sanctum was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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