Chapter 287 Too Late for Regrets

“Benny! Why did you hit me? I wanted you to hit Caspian!” Kelsie cried out in disbelief as she clutched her aching cheek.

Bernard’s slap hurt more than Caspian’s. Kelsie’s face was all swollen.

“You bitch! Who else should I be slapping, huh? You nearly got me in so much trouble!” Bernard roared at Kelsie.

His outburst left Kelsie dumbfounded.

All along, Bernard had doted on her and did everything she asked of him. What was up with him today? Why did he hit her? She could not understand what was happening.

“Since you laid your hand on me, Bernard, don’t even think about seeing me again!” Kelsie declared in fury.

Bernard ignored Kelsie, Instead, he fell onto his knees in front of Caspian and Willow.

“It’s all my fault, Mr. Lynch. If I’d known that this bitch had offended you, I would’ve taught her a lesson from the start!” Bernard said fearfully.


He was overwhelmed with regret. If he knew that Kelsie had offended Caspian, he would’ve turned a blind eye to the whole thing

Lincoln had already warned Bernard not to antagonize Casplan or Willow. Even though he did not know their real identities, he knew that he could not afford to offend people who even

Lincoln feared.

Bernard sorely wanted to teach Kelsie a lesson. If it had not been for her, he would not have

Come over.

“You’re the guy that woman shot,” Caspian said coolly.

called overtol

help her, right? I heard you’re supposed to be a big

He vaguely recalled seeing Bernard before during a meeting with Lincoln, but he did not remember much from that encounter.

But after noting Bernard’s fear, he knew that Bernard was aware of his identity.

this once, Mr. Lynch. I’d never dare to lay a finger on

pathetic display rendered Kelsie

for her, but instead, he was a loser who even feared a matrilocal


Mr. Zott and how can do anything you want in Southlake City. Yet, now that I’m asking you for help, you’re


of a coward you were, I

you bitch!” Bernard snarled

that Kelsie was still saying such ridiculous things at a time like this. Sooner or later, she would be the

had never

continued to lameel in front of Caspian without saying anything. His back

seeing this, Fritz got a bad feeling. Could it be

Willow truly the

head, Fritz tossed

Southlake Corporation, and Caspian was certainly not the Diatoranian

end up being a matrilocal son–in–law in Southlake

kept trying to convince himself, but he still felt a little

from leaving, Fritz?” Caspian asked with

lied about your identities! Who knows? Maybe you hired this Bernard guy to put on an act for us,”

still on his knees,

was this young man? What gave him the gall

would not dare

a flash of pity for Fritz. He was

Soon, Fritz would be

bang again, and a middle–aged man

  1. in.

Uncle Geoffrey!” Fritz cried


of Southlake Corporation. Well, who is it? Does the fool have a death wish? Call the authorities and get whoever it is

was now the largest

branch office, and

see for himself who was the

Fritz pointed at Caspian and Willow as he declared

a ridiculous…” Geoffrey began saying as he

his sentence came to an abrupt stop. He dared not continue

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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