Chapter 296 Give It My All


Billy was stunned momentarily before he yelled, “Caspian! Just kill me! I’m no different than a zombie now. I’m better off dead!”

“You want me to kill you? You don’t deserve it!” Caspian sneered.

Billy was relieved to hear that. Despite what he had said, he feared death more than anyone. He had just said that to appear nonchalant.

“Hahaha! I incapacitated you back then, but you seem to have not learned your lesson yet.” Caspian chuckled.

Billy’s face sank. Back in Easton, Caspian had almost made him impotent right in front of a


Billy had committed this to memory. He did not understand why Caspian had brought it up again, though.

“It seems that I was too light–handed!” Caspian aimed a kick toward Billy’s nether regions.

“Ah!” Billy was in such excruciating pain that his face scrunched together, and he ended up kneeling on the floor. He lost all feeling in his lower body.

He had only recovered somewhat after putting in a lot of time and effort. But now, with Caspian’s kick to the area, he was done for.

Kristian, who was still yowling in pain, was shocked into a cold sweat by the sight.

Caspian was truly merciless!

Kristian even felt glad that Caspian had only broken his legs. Unlike Billy, who took a kick to his nether regions….

Kristian was still lying on the floor. He felt anxious as he worried that Caspian would beat him

up too.

Caspian was only standing there, but his bearing alone was intimidating enough.

out of

him, “All of you are useless! Carry me

up from the floor despite the pain he

men were all spooked. Caspian was simply too powerful, and they did not want to stay here for even


those people got out of the room,

this moment, everyone, including Rebecca and Keller, looked at Caspian in a different light… They suddenly found him to be


in surprise. Could Caspian still stomach food even in this

guys was just

Kristian returned to Jennings Residence, they hired the best doctors who gave them

to walk.

and Kristian were both feeling helpless. They had gone to exact revenge

was fully impotent now and was no different than

“Billy!” Kristian called.

looking all

s po. can w

impotent. How could he not exact revenge

and we aren’t a match for him! I don’t

fear when it came to Caspian. Now, though, he was

and yet you were beaten up badly. If other people

beat him in a

first time getting

your father fight him. He’ll surely help us!” Billy said with gritted


dared to go against him. If he

My father isn’t in Sealand right

ourselves, then. This is my

become a different man after becoming impotent. He was crueler, as if he had lost his rationality. He had nothing in his mind save

solution do you have?” Kristian could not help

as well. He had never been humiliated in this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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