Chapter 448 Staying Put

“Right, you’re too narcissistic. I must be overthinking.” Willow nodded.

Caspian and Mia had never met before, so there was no way they could have a connection.

Seeing Willow drop the topic, Caspian breathed a sigh of relief.

Just then, Landon approached, holding two checks. “Ms. Stewart, Mr. Lynch, this is the 200 million dollars Ginger tried to bribe me with.”

200 million dollars was indeed a big temptation, but Landon wouldn’t dare accept that.

“Well done, Landon. You resisted the temptation,” praised Caspian.

This marketing manager was not bad.

“Ms. Stewart is so good to me. How could I do such a thing?” Landon smiled.

He meant what he said. Willow treated the employees well.

On a side note, he also feared Caspian, given the numerous rumors about him in Southlake City. He was afraid that Caspian might take action against him.

“Consider this money as a reward for resisting temptation,” Caspian said, pointing at the


“What…” Landon was taken aback.

He hadn’t expected Caspian to be so generous. What had he done to deserve this? Was Caspian testing him?

“Take it. Southlake Corporation won’t mistreat loyal employees. Since you refused the bribe. and didn’t betray the company, you deserve this reward,” Caspian said calmly.

Willow nodded in agreement.

For a corporation, 200 million dollars was nothing. But if Landon had truly betrayed them, the losses would have been more than the mentioned amount.

“Thank you, Mr. Lynch! Thank you, Ms. Stewart! I’ll do my best to repay your trust.”

Landon was so excited that he was overwhelmed and speechless.

have another task for you,”

it?” Landon askéd

marketing manager, you need to lead the way. Of course, there will be

not, it’s fine. You’ll still remain as the marketing manager,” Caspian explained,

decision rested entirely on Landon. If he lacked confidence, Caspian

Southlake Corporation open up the North Diatoran’s market,”

most people couldn’t

Prepare yourself. Be ready to set off at


took the check and left the


Landon?” Willow asked with

another group’s territory wasn’t

always difficult. If that didn’t go smoothly, every step afterward would be very

resist the temptation, it means he’s trustworthy,” Caspian replied as he pinched Willow’s

Hearing that, Willow nodded.

sending Miranda to open

of it, Southlake Corporation was their headquarters. Someone needed

complete confidence in

the opening of the market in the north with

afternoon, Southlake Corporation announced its expansion into North Diatoran. And Landon, Southlake Corporation’s marketing manager, would


the clash between

to enter Dhord City so boldly. Morrison Group

were well aware of Morrison Group’s




returning to Dhord City, Jyn immediately headed to Morrison

Southlake City were substantial, with an investment of nearly two billion dollars

Kane family, had

suffered significant losses this time,” Jyn said,

Group’s situation in advance, hearing it from

just a relatively new company, but it had defeated the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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