Chapter 452 Zayn’s Plan

Landon started whipping Matteo more brutally, and listening to Matteo’s anguished howls pained Chandler to no end.

“Have you decided, Mr. Kane Senior? Are you willing to let your only son be beaten to death?” Caspian queried with a chuckle.

Overwhelmed by Caspian’s comment, Chandler crumbled. In the end, he chose to give in to Caspian’s demands.

“Fine. I’ll do it. I’ll withdraw from Enies and give up the market there, but my son Matteo must not be harmed. Or else, I’ll get even with you!”

Chandler couldn’t give up on Matteo, of course. He could always find ways to claim back the business market, but he would live in regret forever if he lost his son.

“That’s wise of you. As long as the Kane family withdraws from Enies immediately, I

guarantee your son will be fine,” Caspian said with a smirk.

“Make sure you keep your promise!” Chandler growled before terminating the call.

Looking around, Caspian remarked, “This villa seems pretty decent. We’ll use it as the base for Southlake Corporation’s northern expansion.”

Then, he looked at Landon and continued, “The Kane family will be withdrawing from Enies. Get ready to take over the business market.”

“Got it!” Landon exclaimed happily. True enough, he had made the right decision by obeying Caspian’s orders. He now had a bright future ahead of him.

The next day, a shocking piece of news spread like wildfire.

The Kane family was relinquishing their power in Enies and surrendering their hold on the

business market.

Everyone in Dhord City was stupefied. They couldn’t believe it. Did Chandler get kicked in the


Why was he handing over Enies completely?

Meanwhile, over at Morrison Group, Jyn was so enraged that she smashed everything within reach. Soon, her office was in shambles.

consumed by rage once she learned the Kanes were



would soon claim Enies, and the company would then start

what Jyn didn’t want to see

agreed that you’d stop Southlake Corporation at all costs! What a useless bastard!”

lowered. Jyn was having a fit, and Ginger didn’t want to get caught in

did he go?” Jyn asked as she glared at

he’s feeling under the weather and

He’s just too scared to

fury, Jyn finally

had the

Ginger replied with a

the Kane family lost both Enies as well as their chance to

blow, Chandler fell seriously ill and

come over with Rebecca. She’s our trump card. We’ll need her help to claim the business market!” Caspian

taken ahold of Enies‘ business market. From here on out, the

time for Willow, the CEO of Southlake Corporation, to

the promotions, it wouldn’t be a problem for Southlake City to break into Dhord City’s

nothings with Willow, Caspian ended the

came in, seemingly with

sorted out the Kane family’s businesses

but we need to set up a branch office here. Otherwise, we won’t be able to expand our influence in the


to set up an office for the new branch. Get all the paperwork done. When Willow comes over, we can immediately

Lynch! I’ll get

and he swiftly got to work. This was a once–in–a–lifetime opportunity

wealthy and influential one in Dhord City. Due

they owned an estate that stretched

home, remarked with narrowed eyes,

The very then

Caspian pissed him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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