Chapter 472 Inhumane

Cory grabbed the Blair family’s representative by his neck.


The man’s face turned red as he tried to struggle and break free,

“Who do you think you are to tell me what to do in my meeting?”

A clean and crisp sound rang out across the room as Cory snapped the man’s neck.

The Blair family’s representative couldn’t have ever imagined that Cory would kill him at a place like this.

The crowd looked up at Cory in shock, wondering if he had gone insane to be killing someone in public.

There were dozens of witnesses sitting inside the meeting room.

One of the men slapped the table and shouted, “You’re full of yourself, Cory! Do you really think you can solve everything by killing others? It seems that we need to weaken the Morrison family’s authority.”

Cory threw the body onto the floor and stared at the man who just shouted at him. “And who

are you?”

“I’m from the Moore family! We’re the second largest majority shareholder!”

The Moore family’s representative continued, “Don’t get cocky, Cory. Soon, we’ll unite together and kick you out. Morrison Group belongs to the shareholders! We can’t have the Morrison family controlling it all by themselves!”

“Hab! Kick me out, you say?”

A loud thud rang out as Cory punched the Moore family’s representative in the head.

The man’s head was smashed into mush, and blood splattered everywhere.

Cory took out a piece of tissue from his chest pocket to clean up his hand.

He sneered at the body. “Who do you think you are?”

Everyone present was left dumbfounded.

The two corpses lying on the floor were proof that Cory had gone insane.

The smell of blood soon enveloped the entire meeting room.

Everyone frowned, but none dared to speak up about it.

Cory had just turned into a murderous demon.



He never considered the shareholders as anything more than mere ants for him to stomp.

Cory sat back down on his chair and declared, “Please step forward if you still have anything

to say.”

The crowd sheepishly looked at each other.

all finally on the same page. I hope the rest of you will be careful down the line, or you’ll be joining those two

ruthless tactics had scared everyone in the meeting

had ever taken him seriously because they thought he was just a playboy. They were all shocked when

here is a part of Morrison Group, and I can’t deny that the company’s


family. Anyone that tries to challenge my

took a deep breath

had truly

begin with. It was held simply to announce

cared about how

enough to deal with any of its competitors, even if they

was truly just for

let’s finally get back into topic. The reason I called for this meeting is

that we will directly compete with Southlake Corporation from today onward. We’ll buy up all of its businesses and

“That’s stupid, Cory!”

billions right now. Dealing with them is not as simple as you think! Besides, your decision will put all of us shareholders at great

was immediately met with


came from the shareholders with acute business

move to be taken.

And doing so would

shareholders couldn’t possibly agree

remained silent as he listened to their

scanned through the meeting room, and everyone started

I’m just telling

other than for Cory to flaunt his

step up and oppose his

were two corpses that

cooperation between all of



even treat us as human

take over Southlake

talking again after Cory

the CEO, but she still made


lunatic who paid no regard to his fellow

Group is trying

Morrison Group wants all

going to lose our shares

didn’t dare to voice their opinions while Cory was still in

against Morrison


They wouldn’t just tolerate Cory trying to be

just sit around and wait for their

left the meeting

office, Cory calmly

them out right away if they weren’t still useful for

truly never viewed them as fellow

that he would show them who was

their dissatisfaction at whatever Cory had to

“Ginger!” Cory shouted.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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