Chapter 8

God, my head is pounding like you wouldn’t believe. I force myself to open my eyes, my throat feeling sore and

completely dry as I lick my chapped lips, confused and disorientated. Where was I, I wondered, looking around the

room, realizing it was mine. But how had I gotten here? I distinctly remember being hit on the head by father

downstairs and then nothing. I was certain I had fallen unconscious from the pain in my head. So who had put me to bed? I doubted it was father, but it was equally astonishing to think my brother Damien would show that much care

towards me. But he was the only one who could have possibly done it and I feel a small bit of gratefulness towards


I force myself to roll out of bed, blinking against the bright sunlight and trying not to scream at the pain in my head. I feel the back of my hair and can tell it’s matted with dried blood and I groan, it’s going to take forever to get it all out and I’m hoping I won’t have to do something horrible like cut it. It’s taken forever for me to grow it as long as

this. I hurry to the bathroom and am ecstatic to find I’m able to wash it out with a bit of elbow grease, my hand now fully healed along with my head injury. It’s the small things in life I think to myself sourly, to be grateful for.

and tiptoe downstairs, disgusted by the mess that greets me. There are

beer bottles scattered all over the lounge room floor. Thankfully, father

the smell of him, and I take the opportunity to make breakfast, putting his on the table. There’s no way I’m going to wake him up and face his wrath

have been happier this morning. I leave his breakfast out in case and grab my school bag. So far it’s been a

first time in months, and I can’t believe

goddess taken pity

gathered in the hall and I instinctively duck my head down and try to

Whatever, as long as it has nothing

care less.

there’s a new kid at


Jessica speaks up and I flinch, still

smile on her face. “I just know that he’s going to be

her friends look a bit put

also want a piece of this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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