Chapter 13

I sit in the bleak looking hospital room, grateful that Johnathon had the common sense to leave me alone and sit

in the hallway. I’m so angry at him for forcing me to come here when I don’t want to go. I feel a sense of panic. What if they call my father and tell him I’m here? He’ll kill me for sure. I try to hold my tears at bay as a young woman

comes walking in, dressed in a doctor’s coat. She looks concerned and I wonder if she’s been told about my injuries already. I bet Johnathon told her.

“Winter” the woman says quietly, and I glance at her name tag. It reads Laura. She continues with a smile that

I’m sure she means to be reassuring. “I hear that you’ve been badly hurt. Can you show me where?”

“I really need to get home” I say hastily. “I was expected to be there ages ago.”

She frowns. “I’m sure your family is worried about you. Would you like me to call them?”

I shook my head ” No, it’s fine. I don’t want to bother them.”

She gives me a strange look but theres no way I want them contacting my father or my brother. I shudder at the thought.

“It hurts here” I finally mumble as she looks at me, patiently waiting. I know she’s not going to leave me alone until I show her and so I reluctantly push up my shirt and jumper so she can look at my ribs. Laura gently prods my rib cage and I give a yelp, unable to help myself. Christ that hurt. Now Laura is looking away and I fidget as I see her looking over at my old bruises.

for me to pull my top and jumper back down, which I do, feeling a lot less vulnerable now that my body is covered. “Your ribs are broken. I can wrap them up

of pain. Maybe, if I rationed them, I could keep some for at home when the

more comfortable. At this rate I won’t heal until late

your shirt back up” Laura orders me and I do, wincing as she puts the bandage on tight, not enough to restrict

me feel extremely nervous. I know what she’s about to ask and theres no way I’m going to tell her the truth. I value my life too much. “Winter, I can tell that you have old bruises and new ones on top

and for a moment I hesitate. Yes I

But I don’t. I can’t and my chest feels tight as I answer, lying completely to the kind

to tell if I’m telling the truth or lying. I fix my big blue eyes on

get the officer’s down here if you’d like to

and I feel bad for her. She’s trying to help

watching as she leaves, hopefully to grab the painkillers

I curse myself for thinking he’s handsome. The bastard rejected me for heaven’s sake. I shouldn’t feel anything for

there’s still part of the mate bond between us. I frown at him but he doesn’t seem to notice, or

tells me and I gape at him. I can’t have him do that. I can’t have him near my house or my family. I can’t let him know my shameful secret. It’s none of his business. I don’t even want to imagine the consequences of having a boy take me home and my father seeing

those painkillers” I force out and like I had hoped

sure enough when I peer around the corner he’s gone. I limp towards the hospital’s exit, frantically dashing through, hoping that

me, stopping all the staff and patients in

are you going. You are hurt, injured and trying to run. How can you be so stupid” he roars and I flinch and turn around, eyeing him

him. What would be the point? He’d just use his alpha tone on me

from stomping over to the bed though and plonking myself down,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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