Chapter 33

Damien POV

“I know that it seems a long time away boys, but you really do have to think about your future” the headmaster

is saying in that annoying nasal voice of his. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, wanting nothing more than to poke my

tongue out at him. Johnathon is sitting beside me, looking just as frustrated, but the headmaster is the one person can’t go against without being suspended or expelled.

Who gives a damn about the future, I think a bit bitterly. Winter’s had been ruined and it had been one of my

friends’ who’d done it to her. I wasn’t stupid. She tried to hide it from me but I knew she was having nightmares

every night. I heard her muffled gasps when she woke up. I still stayed outside her room every night and I knew she was annoyed by it. I guess I’ve gone from being a disinterested older brother to an overprotective one in a short

amount of time. Who would have thought it?

“You need to think about college and where you are going. What grades are you going to need?” God he was rambling on and on. Was he ever going to shut up? How much longer was going to have to sit here and listen to him,

for heaven’s sake.

“Johnathon, have you chosen a college yet?”

“No” Johnathon answers sullenly and we share a look, one that sympathizes with the other. It’s clear neither of us is particularly thrilled to be sitting in the headmaster’s office.

“Damien, what about you?”

“I’m not going to college, I need to get a job”, I answer politely and the headmaster seemed confused by my


to college. It will set you up with a bright future”, he tells me sternly and


eat and have a roof over my head” I commented dryly. Ha, take that, I think smugly to myself. He sits back and

your father has disappeared” he says, trying to be delicate and

care of myself and Winter” I say carelessly, and he looks

was that about?

is your sister

“I don’t know. Sometimes she seems to be fine and dealing with everything and then other times not so much”, I admit, hating myself for showing weakness in

on me.

on myself. I reluctantly shake my head and see a disappointed look on Johnathon’s face. I hadn’t had a chance to tell him. Alright, I did, but I’d held back from telling him, because I didn’t feel like it was any of his business once he’d rejected her. Not that

an Alpha that directly

the news but also not surprised. I guess I was one of the only ones who’d hoped that she would. Maybe I’d let my imagination run

Johnathon and myself, “if you both decide

you or your sister need help, then we

to say the words”, he adds, and I stare at him, absolutely

would let social services take my sister from me? Over my dead body, I think fiercely,

say snidely and he blinks at me, as though wondering why I’m suddenly so

clock. The old man

I needed to get the

rush, breathing in fresh air in relief. The office had smelt damp and of cigarettes. We knew the man

away with anything you

shocked to find that she’s not waiting for me. I should

on the way

gave a huff and I cast him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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