Chapter 48

Alpha Kai POV

It’s the next day, and although I know I shouldn’t, I find myself heading towards the pack hospital anyway. At least Candice isn’t hanging around, wondering where I’m going. She’s too busy going out and shopping. My wolf points that out rather sourly, but lignore him. At least it keeps Candice away for a while. I really shouldn’t feel like that, considering she’s my girlfriend, but I can’t help noticing I’m feeling that more and more these days. Was it because I’d found my mate, or was I getting tired of her? My wolf has made his opinion on numerous occasions, but why am I starting to agree with him? Why am I suddenly finding myself disliking Candice so much? What has changed?

I walk through the front entrance confidently, seeking out Dr James. I want to find out how Winter is going and whether there’s a change in her condition. My mind flashes back to our kiss and I cringe. That was wrong of me and I would have to apologise. I don’t want Winter to get the wrong idea.

I’m a little mystified when I’m told by the head nurse at the nurse’s station, that Dr James is currently locked up in Winter’s room. I feel a spurt of rage. What is he doing in there, alone with my mate? My wolf is in agreement, growling lowly in my head. I almost stomp down to Winter’s room and peered inside to see Dr James sleeping rather uncomfortably in a chair, beside Winter’s bedside. Well, at least he’s not in her bed, not that I think my mate is

capable of anything like that, even with what I’d done to her.

I knock softly on the door, seeing Winter is still sleeping peacefully, her hair spread out on the pillows and neatly tucked underneath a blanket. His eyes open and he sits upright looking startled, before turning his head around and

viewing me guiltily. I watch as Dr James gingerly gets to his feet and tiptoes to the doors, unlocking them and quietly coming out into the hallway, where I’m waiting impatiently for him.

“I need to speak to you, rather urgently, Alpha Kai”, he tells me and he sounds grim, like there’s something serious he needs to tell me. I made a motion for him to walk with me but he shakes his head.

“I cannot leave Winter alone in her room” the Dr says reluctantly, and my eyebrows rise in surprise, even as I begin to feel a tiny bit suspicious. I should have paid better attention to what he tried to tell me last night.

“Then give me a moment to mind-link Beta Langdon. He can come down and keep an eye on her”, I say firmly, and did that, Langdon assuring me that he’ll be a moment. The doctor looks grateful.

“Thankyou Alpha Kai” he breathes ” there’s a good reason for needing someone outside of Winter’s hospital

room and I don’t want to disturb her either while she’s asleep”, he adds. I’m in agreement. Part of me is happy she’s

asleep, it means prolonging the apology that I felt I owed her.

We wait, I’m impatient, until Langdon finally turns up, looking breathless, as though he’s run straight here. I eye the sweat on his clothes and surmised that he probably had run.

Kai” he says, and I

low “I need you to keep an eye on Winter and don’t

means no nurses, doctors, or anybody. Nobody should be stepping


return”, he tells me,

his office, closing the door

take a

with as I listened intently,

in any pain right now. I don’t know if you are aware, but

he says, fixating his eyes on me. I feel a little indignant. How dare he scold me like that? I’m the Alpha, but another part of me acknowledges the truth of his words and I feel ashamed of myself. I wriggle uncomfortably in the chair. I feel like a child

torture her” I say dumbly and he looks at me

he says with a groan “but somebody has. It’s been going on for

quietly taking that in, feeling anger rise inside of me, even though I know I can’t do

heal wounds made

breath, and looks towards me

to go to his office if all he


incident last night” he tells me grimly “someone entered Winter’s hospital room and increased her morphine dosage. It was put incredibly high. If she hadn’t managed to rip her

failed to mention the part about the morphine instead stating

he was taking care of her. I should have asked questions, I think to myself grimly. But then,

probably assumed I didn’t care much for winter. Even

incompetent” 1,,raged, standing up and pacing back and forth.” They put my

made such a stupid mistake?” I’m incredulous at the thought of such

under Dr James’s

thing, all of the nurses deny that they entered the room and messed with the dosage. All of them have been working for me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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