Chapter 59

I could hear voices, as though they were coming from a great distance, as I lay there, feeling completely

paralysed. At least somebody found me from the sounds of it, but was it in time?

“What happened?” That was Langdon’s voice and he sounded panicked, as well as slightly angry.

“I don’t know, I woke up and she was lying there like this” growled another voice. That sounds like Kai. I guess being near him healed him quicker, especially if he’s woken up. At least he seems to be okay. I was worried about him.

“Get her to the hospital” Kai orders and then I feel like someone’s picked my up, my body floating and my head lightheaded. My eyes refuse to open, no matter how hard I try. I feel absolutely exhausted. Drained.

Then the sound of someone else’s voice. “Describe how you found her, did you see anything unusual, what are her symptoms.”

“She was lying unconscious on the floor, froth at her mouth and she’s not been responsible to any stimuli” came Kai’s voice. He sounds pissed. “She has to have been poisoned somehow. I’m going to kill whoever’s done this to her” he growled. Wow, he sounds like he really cares about me. It’s a nice feeling.

I feel myself being placed down onto what I think must be a bed, hands touching my body and carefully examining it. I hear the doctor take a huge sniff and I wonder what he’s smelling.

“Wolfsbane” he mutters.

“Are you sure?” Kai growls and Langdon makes a choking sound in the background.

“Son of a b***h” growls Kai “someone’s deliberately poisoned my mate. I’ll f*****g kill them” he roars and my heart almost sings with joy, despite my current situation. He sounds so protective of me.

light that’s blaring into my eyes. Kai’s shadowy figure moves

he says quietly, giving me a gentle squeeze “just hold on okay. The doctor will

stare at him as he hesitates by the doorway. I need to tell him somehow. He stops to look at me,

manage to raise a hand

nod. He looks at

says, before giving me a cheeky grin and a wink “get better soon” he says, sailing out the door, shooting me an apologetic glance on

“this will help neautralise the wolfsbane you’ve drunken. All we can do is wait now, for you to fully recover. It’s lucky that Langdon came

can’t help remembering what happened the last time I was in the hospital and my body begins to tremble at the thought. If

over me. I’m not

tells me gruffly and Dr James


suggestion myself” Dr James says cheerfully enough “I’ll even ensure I’m the one preparing any food or drink

drug the Dr gave me, is making me feel extremely ill. I’m fighting the urge to

to Kai who looks startled. Without warning, I turn my head and vomit into it as Kai

up whatever you haven’t had enter your bloodstream yet. I had to give you

a tad grumpily while Kai looks like he’s about to be sick himself. I hope he’s not a sympathetic puker, that’s the last thing we need, is both of us

comes over me and I vomit again as Kai swears

will this take?” he demands irritably and Dr James looks at him

few minutes, or up to an hour before she

Kai is going to toss his cookies if I continue to vomit much longer. He’s handling it like a pro so far, clutching the wastebasket and leaving it in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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