Chapter 61

I’m restless, my wolf is seething with anger. I barely acknowledged the guards as I pushed past them, determined to get to my destination before Winter realizes what I’m up to. She’s too nice, my mate, too forgiving for her own good. She might not want Candice to pay for what she’d done, but I needed to prove a point. That no one attacks or insults my mate and gets away with it, no matter who they are, or what they once were to me. Winter is to be treated with respect. There was no point trying to be mates. If I wasn’t going to show everyone just how serious /

was about it, was there? Nobody messes with me or disrespects me like that and gets away with it.

God, It stinks down here, is my first thought as I storm downstairs, barely greeting the guards who all scramble

to get out of my way. Then again, what was I expecting? It’s a dungeon for Christ’s sake. It’s supposed to smell like old

and new blood, as well as dank and mould. Still, it wouldn’t hurt for it to be cleaned, I thought to myself, making a

mental note. It really is putrid down here. I sure as hell am not going to be spending any more time down here than is

necessary to make my point.

“Where is she” I growled at the last guard and watched him gulp nervously, before his hand pointed towards the last cell on the right, trembling in his fear of me. Good. He should be afraid. My wolf was dangerously close to the surface and I’m not in the mood to be trifled with.

“Get the trolley”, I grunted and wandered down to the last cell, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I heard her

crying softly. She should be afraid. I can’t believe the nerve of her. Did she really think there would be no repercussions. I know all she wants is to be Luna, she never really cared for me at all, but why attack Winter then?

Was she that delusional that she thought we would get back together again if Winter wasn’t in the picture? After

everything she’d said and done?

They’ve followed my instructions and she’s dangling from the ceiling, restrained and shackled, a look of absolute terror in her eyes. Terror, I notice idly, that seems to vanish the instant she spots me. Does she think that I’m going to go easy on her? When she’d all but confessed she hadn’t given a damn about me and it was all for show? Did she

feel a pang of regret. Because if that’s what she’s

for a rude

and I wave him away, watching her mouth open in

dart back to

you don’t want to do this. Think about

“It’s Alpha Kai to you b***h” I snarl “and

watching her pitiful attempts to break free. As if she could.

and she’s surrounded by it all,

to each other” she tries and I

means to an end, a way for you to become Luna”, I hissed and she

my gloves on and picking up a small silver whip, smiling down at

back arch in shock as she lets out a small whimper. I actually

the whip down and look at her tear-filled eyes, feeling numb inside. I feel nothing, no mercy towards her, no feelings whatsoever, even after

by my

picking up

into mine, beseeching me to

she spits out, her body swaying slightly in her shackles “I swear, I

up with me

my sympathy? Because her words mean absolutely nothing

the one to tell me it was all for show” | snarled and thrust the dagger into her leg, pulling it downwards in one long stroke as she screamed

and I do it again, not liking the disrespect. She shuts her mouth

begin to circle

scars that will never heal. A testament to just how angry I am

her, incredulous as to why she’s even daring to ask that question. “Why her? What’s so good about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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