Chapter 64 Chapter 64

Crack, rustle. The twigs cracking beneath our feet were loud in the otherwise silent forest, but to be honest, we’ve both reached the point of not caring, neither one of us giving a flying fig about the sounds or possible rogues. We’re just that exhausted. Johnathon is definitely not the travelling buddy of my dreams.

Thomas hasn’t stopped at every single pack like we have, but both Johnathon and I are too worried about going in the wrong direction to avoid any of the packs along the trail we take. One wrong move and we could end up further away from Winter, instead of heading towards her like we initially planned. Every move we make we analyze. It’s exhausting.

It hasn’t been the smoothest of travels, not when Johnathon and I don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things. It doesn’t help that the last few days and nights have been cold as well as rainy. Even wolves don’t like to get wet and there was a storm brewing, judging by the dark black clouds gathering over our heads. Just what else we needed. I shiver slightly from the cold, feeling extremely frustrated.

“I think we should set up camp” I shout out to Johnathon, my hair beginning to fly wildly in the wind. I hope he can hear me, otherwise I’m going to have to mind-link the blasted Alpha.

– He turns to look at me, as grumpy as ever. For an Alpha you’d think he would be used to bad weather and travel. Apparently not.

“The pack up ahead is not too much further. I would rather spend time in a nice warm bed then sleep out here again in the bloody cold” he grumbles. Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to have a choice tonight.

I shoot another glance upwards. “We’re not going to make it, best to set up camp” | argue. The next pack is several miles away and we’ve spent the majority of the day in our wolf forms up until now. We need time to recuperate. Setting up camp is the best option for both of us, he just has to stop being so goddamn stubborn.

Besides who made Johnathon the bloody boss? I didn’t ask him to come along, he insisted. I can tell he’s annoyed but I don’t care.

“Fine” he snaps irritably, pulling the tent out of the backpack as I join him. I’m already shivering from the cold and it’s not even raining. At this rate, snow was going to be inevitable as well. I smile at that. Winter loves snow, always has. I guess that’s one of the reason’s I always felt that her name suited her. God, how I miss my little sister.

“We’re wasting time, doing this’ Johnathon grunts as he begins to pull the tent up. I roll my eyes. I wish I could bury him in snow, just for some piece and quiet.

A loud crash of thunder, makes both of us jump. I give Johnathon a told you so look, which he pointedly avoids, scrambling now to get the tent up. We huddle inside, both pointedly keeping our distance from one another. As far as we can, considering it’s a very small tent and we’re both bulky teenagers.

Winter found a pack

more than to find her and find out she’s finally happy. She’s already been through so much, if anyone deserves

| mutter as

have rejected her” he murmurs, presumable speaking to himself “she wouldn’t have run off then. I could

I’m betting the bullying and the beatings had something to do with it as well. He really needs to get over himself. Besides, what the hell is he going to do when we find Winter? I can’t exactly see her welcoming him with open arms. Actually, I don’t even think

finally and he sighs, looking despondent and rather pathetic if I’m being honest. “She was bullied at school and was beaten at home. I’m amazed it’s taken this long for her to run away from home and never look back. If it was me, I would have left a long time ago. But she’s always been the stubborn type.” My voice cracks and I glance away from him.   other whether we liked it or not. At least outside we could keep our

else up, something that we hadn’t anticipated. Especially not in

and he nods,

might just be going through” he mutters to me “at any rate they are still a fair distance away.

and there’s two of us. That made the odds better on our side, especially with a ferocious Alpha. Heck, Johnathon could probably take them down on his own and never even break a sweat. That’s what

step outside. If we shift in the tent we’ll only rip it to pieces and we very much wanted the tent to stay in tact. The smell of blood and rotten meat met my nostrils and I cringed. It was definitely coming closer. Was it looking for a fight? Because we’d give him one. But it was sheer stupidity

I give him a nod and move, keeping my back to him and trying to view this so called rogue from a distance. He wasn’t that far out that

wolf forms and preparing to fight, that it actually takes us a moment to realize the man coming towards us was in fact one in human form. It was completely unexpected. If it wasn’t for the smell and the glowing

as though surrendering. “I mean you no harm” he rasps as Johnathon and I glance at each other in surprise. “I have

As if he’s going to have any information we want from him. What kind of rogue is this? I thought they attacked on sight, but this one really does seem to be harmless, even as I remind myself to remain

do you think?”

“I’m curious to know what kind of information he thinks

I’m not about to forget that he’s a rogue either. I’m not about to let myself be killed, if I


to shift at a seconds notice. The man gives me a small nod and walks very slowly, forward until we’re meters

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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