Chapter 68

When Winter strips naked in front of me, I’m taken aback at how nonchalant she is. There’s no self consciousness at all in her movements and the sight of her beautiful body has my c**k twitching in my pants and Storm going absolutely crazy in my mind. I can’t stop myself from staring at her, knowing I should look away but my body refuses to co operate, my eyes widening. I can see the scars on her body and I so badly want to touch them, trace them with my fingers but I dont want to frighten her or cause her to shy away from me either. Those scars are part of her, and if anything, they show just how brave she is.

She shifts and I’m blown away again by her beautiful wolf as she sits on her haunches. I blink in disbelief as I stare. It might be my imagination, but I swear her wolf has grown by several inches. It looks bigger to me at any rate, but then I could be wrong. Clearly Winter wants to go for a run and I can tell she’s waiting for me, her little tail wagging. It’s adorable. Well, if she wants to go for a run with me, who am I to stop her? In fact, right now I can’t think of anything better I would like to do. Storm is more than game to go for a run, he’s practically dancing in my mind with excitement.;

Hell yes, it’s been so long man. Look how cute our mate is, she’s tiny, like so small but sooo cute I don’t think you should tell her that though Storm, she might take it the wrong way. Can / tell her she’s beautiful? That nothing can compare to her beauty? “Yes, I suppose you could. Women like that sort of thing, so I imagine a female wolf would love it too.

Ah, sweet. You know you should take a leaf out of my book. Steady boy. You sound lovesick. That’s cause I am Kai, that’s cause I am. Storm, you have so much self confidence, it’s astounding.

I begin to peel off my clothes and smirk, realising she’s not looking away from me either. I’m not self conscious, in fact I take it as a compliment that she can’t stop staring at me. I hope she likes what she sees. Storm is raring to go for a run with our mate and I’m hard pressed to keep him from taking over as we shift to our large black wolf form, easily towering over poor Winter. She’s not afraid though, coming over and nuzzling us to Storm’s ecstacy. He’s really pushing hard and reluctantly I mind-link Winter, for the first time, since I marked her. It’s relatively easy to my surprise, there’s no resistance at all from her, even though this is the first time we have mind-linked each other. ..Winter, Storm really wants to take over and run with your wolf if that’s possible. I understand if you say no though. It’s entirely your decision and how comfortable you are with it.

That’s okay, Sabriel really wants to run with Storm. I’ve had to warn her no funny business though, you might want to say the same to Storm. I’d rather not have sex in wolf form, no matter how horny Sabriel is. That’s not a joke by the way.

Hear that Storm? No funny business or I take back control.

Fine but if she jumps me, I’m not saying no he grumbles and I sigh. Storm is going to lose control if he so much as attempts to do the naughty without Winter’s consent. I suspect the same goes for Sabriel.

I give Storm control and Winter does the same with Sabriel. It’s always a surreal feeling being in the back of my mind like a passenger in a car seat, but it’s cool at the same time. Sabriel takes off at a run and Storm trots to keep up with her. Because Sabriel’s still quite small, Storm doesn’t have to fully run to stay in stride with her, but he doesn’t care he’s fully enjoying himself. I watch as my big bad Alpha wolf, turns to putty in Sabriel’s hands, nuzzling her constantly and licking her neck. Sigh, I’m almost embarrassed at my wolf’s public display of affection. Not that Storm cares. He just

by in a

animals in wolf form, but when hunting and travelling it was a necessity and I understand that. Storm’s a little disgruntled, he loves to eat animals but he respects Winter’s wishes, knowing

the outdoors but even wolves get tired eventually, it must be said. Storm is sad to stop and so is Sabriel but Winter and I are starving by now, as well as tired ourselves. We need food to replenish our strength and soon. Not

it back to our clothes and I shift first, Winter seonds later. I finish dressing and turn

I ask teasinlgy, holding out my arm and feeling a glow inside as she takes it, nodding her cute little head

her voice. She

kitchen and I make her sit down, noticing that except for the flush in

looks at me in suprise. “You cook?” she says incredulously. I pretend to be offended. “Of course I cook. Not all of us

I grin, whipping up the ingredients in no time. I do make a mean omelette if I do say so myself. Although contrary to what I told Winter, it’s one of the few things I’m competent at. I’m not so good with complex recipes, but she doesn’t need to know that. This will impress her and that’s what I’m after. … slide the plate in

we eat, but it’s not the awkward type of silence. Rather it’s comfortable silence and before long, I push my plate away, Winter’s still half full and she glances at me sheepishly. I guess I gave

were hungry” I comment a little nonplussed and slightly panicked. What if she didn’t like it and was just being polite? Maybe I could offer to make her something else? A sandwich, or crackers

to eating large portions” she admits dryly and my

not with all the abuse she told me about. I decide not to make a big deal about it, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. Still the

returning with two sodas, one of which I hand to her as she looks at me gratefull and begins to sip. Theres an idea playing around in my mind and I dont know whether its a great idea or not.

that too, but there’s something else I want to ask you about while I have your full attention. It’s important to

as I ponder what to say. Stuff

a casual sort of thing. Would you mind attending

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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