The Alpha's throne

Chapter 89 : Lylia & Vale

Alice was standing at the edge of the mountain, she was startled when she heard their voice “who are you ?”

She smirks and tilts her head and says “It’s me who supposed to ask”. The so called Adam & Eve, cast a spell but none of it were able to touch her.

She smiles, as she raised her hands and snap her fingers. Her conclusion were right, these two are not the King & Queen.

They may able to summon and use some various magic but they are not strong unlike the King and the Queen. Both Adam & Eve step back as they angrily look and asked “Who are you?”

Alice smile and cast a spell on them. She clap for a while then cast a barrier to imprison them. She step forward and asked “Who are you ? Why are you pretending to be a King and Queen”

Eve tilt her head and asked towards Adam “pretending? Are we pretending?”. Adam shakes his head and says “no were not”.

The only reason they’re able to cast a magic spells it’s because from the book. They can read what’s written inside. They were amaze as someone other than them can able to read the books.

Their true power was sailed, without their master’s permission, the s

Alice put the barrier down and calmly asked “If you’re not the King & Queen then who are you?”. Adam took a glimpse at Eve and asked “Is it alright to tell her the truth? “.

she trust no one except her Lady Amaltheia “Why should we tell you?” .

them, as much as they doesn’t want to fight,

know what to say. These two have no idea on what happen. Those people thought they were the ancient

and sat on it, she was calm as ever

each other either to trust her or not. She took a deep sigh and stood up “You guys were so called Adam & Eve by the

head as they don’t know what happen to their surroundings. The moment they woke up they were unconsciously fighting. They were

my cave and someone leak an information about

you?”. Alice flushed her smile and reversely asked “I will answer if you

am Lylia. I am serving at D’Raizels’ family. My loyalty towards them is larger than you think. I won’t betray them at all cost “ she stop when she heard a man laughing at his

shout “stop laughing !”. The man chuckles as he heard the word ‘ betrayed ’. He took a glimpse at her and says “didn’t

stop from laughing. She form a smirk smile and reversely says “ Didn’t you

stop from laughing and crossed his arms and exclaimed “ Unlike you, I betrayed my family all for the Prince sake. I will follow and protect Prince Achilleas. Betraying those family are

Lylia bow her head as she feel shame. She pout and mumbles

name? ”. She feels familiar with these two, just listening to their conversations; It seems these two know where the King &

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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