
Noooo! Her heartbeat thundered so hard against her chest bone she thought she might die.

The heat was almost consuming her and as much as she needed sex, she couldn’t allow Ulster to plant his seed in her belly! His son — their son — would bring about the end of the world as they knew it.

She couldn’t allow that to happen! With the last bit of herself clinging to reason, she reared back and punched Ulster in the face with every ounce of strength she had.

A soft crack from a broken nose sounded in the still room and she sprang from his hold.

He roared as blood streamed down his face and she ran blindly down the dim hallway, trying to recall where she saw the door.

The adrenalin pumping through her body was spreading the Phase through her blood like poison.

Her temperature was dangerously high. She might die if she didn’t get what her body needed, but she couldn’t allow Ulster to impregnate her.

She felt a prickling across her nerve endings and her bones started to scream in protest as something horrifying began to happen within her body.

“You’re changing,” Arja’s awed voice cut through the red haze beginning to permeate her vision.

“What’s wrong with me?” Cassandra cried, but her voice was rapidly cut off by the elongating of her canines as they ripped through the gums.

fours and her bones

female voices whispered in fear. “What’s going

of the worn fabric beneath her sensitive paws made her

run made her whine and

senses were alive and vibrant and she saw things in variations of color and texture but her human senses remained present even if

and apprehension at her sudden transformation while Ulster simply stared with

his broken nose and a red haze encased his body, ebbing and flowing like ripples in a crimson

looked like

moonlight…” Ulster intoned, his eyes glowing. Cassandra caught her reflection in the mirror above the mantel.

back at her. She yipped and backed away from the

fear. Ulster’s skin split and his bones shattered and

had planned — she could guess — and burst through the window with an explosion of coiled muscles

out the window. She could sense his urgency, his lust for power, in the way he dogged her, refusing to let her

chased so ardently. She could only imagine it was the influence of the Phase racing

something seductive about evil, a voice whispered, urging her to lift her tail and

this! Ulster was everything she hated — malicious, abusive, and power hungry —

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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