
A figure emerged from the house that immediately set her ears back in warning. Her hackles rose and she moved into a defensive posture without thought. Who was this man? Enemy or friend? She couldn’t tell. After the night she’d had, she wasn’t about to take any chances.

He broke free from the shadows and stood watching her with hard blue eyes that glittered in the night air like azure diamonds.

Like Ulster, he radiated power but unlike the sickly red that ebbed and flowed from Ulster like a fever, this man shone with a bright energy that crackled like a live wire and was just as dangerous.

He was the Alpha of Clan Janus. She could sense the truth of her sudden knowledge and there was no need to question what she knew.

He regarded her with open consternation, as if her arrival was neither a surprise nor welcome, yet he didn’t try to chase her away. She bared her teeth in a subtle warning, refusing to cow before him.

She didn’t care who he was.

On a scale of one to ten, ten being the worst, the last few days had wavered at the tipping point of fucking awful and he was the final straw.

A low growl erupted from her throat and he lifted his brow in surprise at her audacity, even as he continued to watch her every move.

“My brothers tell me that you are the Prophesied One. I didn’t want to believe them. But here you are in all your glory, white pelt and all, and I have to believe they were right. You are female and yet you changed into a wolf form. My brothers tell me it’s our job to shelter you, to put our pups into your belly to cement our claim to the Prophecy but if they have that thought then it’s fair to surmise that every clan from here to creation will want to do the same.”

His lip curled ever so slightly.

you already smell of sex and blood, which means you have taken the enemy into your body. How do I know you are not

moment passed before announcing with

to kill you and be done with it — fuck The Prophecy. If there is no Prophesied One, there is no

around him, momentarily causing him to frown as if taken aback by a sudden surge of unpleasant

bowed against the onslaught and grunted as if he’d just been jabbed in the gut

to cause him to stiffen with open agitation as he barked, “It seems

wasn’t her fucking fault that she

womb, all she’d done is get captured and screwed because of the damn

she’d rather be simultaneously studying calculus while getting

the man, who still hadn’t shared his name so Cassandra had decided to dub him, “The Prick,” into the house and in spite of her less than welcome admittance, she was relieved when the doors closed behind her.

recessed lighting strategically placed in the ceiling, but she could tell immediately that Clan Janus lived by

of rot and death. The furnishing gleamed as if polished by a studious hand each day. Not one

She could smell the

great shudder coursed through her and her vision shimmered and blurred. She had a heartbeat to realize that she was changing again as her bones went through the painful

of sinewy made her nauseous but within moments, she was lying

her from the floor and she found herself between the two

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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