
Ouch. That hurt. But she forced a smile as if Cristophe’s statement hadn’t punctured her deep inside. “Well, that’s not very Prince Charming of him to not want to rescue the damsel in distress.”

“Yes, well, Jandin and Koris were quite vocal in their opposition of his slow to act position.”

She smiled warmly at the twins’ loyalty but even as they were hot as hell and built like semi trucks, she felt nothing more than brotherly affection for them, which was a tragedy because she had a feeling a life with those two would’ve been decidedly easier than one with the hard-hearted Alpha Tieran.

And yet…when she thought of Tieran, her palms began to sweat and little flutters heated up her insides, which told her she had a snowball’s chance in hell of forcing her heart to want anyone else.

Particularly now that she was growing his bambino in her belly.

And apparently, the little bundle growing beneath her heart, was one helluva binding force for them both.

There were times when Tieran simply couldn’t deny himself any longer and he would burst into her room, eyes blazing and muscles taut, and Cassandra knew he was going to fuck her raw. Just thinking about being with Tieran was enough to send her heart racing and her core to heat.

They were epic together. Until it was all over. Then, Tieran would retreat and leave her coldly behind.

That felt worse than if he’d just been a mechanical lover, going through the motions because he had to. Somehow feeling that raw passion for brief moments was so much more painful because she knew what she’d never have.

Ignorance was better.

“Do werewolves get more than one mate?” she asked, unable to help herself.

“The werewolves mate for life with one true mate.”

Cassandra swallowed, accepting Cristophe’s answer. Was she Tieran’s true mate or was Serra? To see how torn up he was over losing Serra, Cassandra would have to say that yes, Serra had been The One.

“Why do you ask?”

“Just wondered.”

“You fear Tieran isn’t your True Mate?” he asked, perplexed. “Have you not noticed how his gaze never leaves you?”

“Being possessive of your baby mama isn’t what love is made of. Clearly, you haven’t watched enough Law and Order.”

Cristophe chuckled with derision. “I see enough drama in my everyday to seek it out for pleasure.”

“Makes sense. When my life was nothing but college exams and crushing existential dread over where my life was going, I couldn’t get enough of murder and mayhem in my television show preferences. Now, I just want happy endings.”

too long to hope for such things,” he

Being immortal sounded like a colossal bummer. The classic movies about vampires got it

but the far-off expression in his eyes told a different story — a private one that he didn’t feel like sharing. She didn’t press. He returned to her. “You shouldn’t doubt Tieran’s

might not be human but I still have a heart that yearns for love. I can’t

least one of them. The

a kindness if you let go of such

she wasn’t so good at following

about Serra?” she asked, unable to

A non-breeding female. She is of little

tell that to Tieran’s

nothing. If she becomes a problem, Tieran will remove

a small voice. “What if she’s The One

You are his True Mate. He will come to realize it

ideals about love and fidelity. Sure, as far as she knew, Tieran was physically faithful to her but she couldn’t help but

shared the kind of epic sex he and Cassandra had together with anyone other than his mate,

couldn’t fake the bone-melting pleasure they created together. There was one thing she felt confident was real —

Tieran was faced with the same questions, which was probably why he was being such a royal jerk all

that final thought and Cassandra had

honest, Cassandra was getting tired of Tieran’s routine. Yeah, so he

this prophecy. And now she was likely going to

to see the seer, Iona, walk in. The petite nature of the woman belied the power

vision of her

hide her disappointment but it must’ve been plainly written across her face as Iona laughed and said, “Not the person you were hoping for? Has your

same guy who pointed out to the entire cafeteria that a bird had crapped

Um, no.

I wouldn’t care if it were the devil walking through that door as long as he

your words. Words have power,” Iona warned, not finding the humor in Cassandra’s sharp quip. “Once word spreads that you carry two

Cassandra said, hoping to sound flippant when in fact, her heart was stuttering painfully with fear. Her biggest fear had come to

but Ulster’s as well. She would’ve been happy to keep that information to herself but Iona had broken the news to Tieran, who then shared

with Iona was an understatement. “I hardly think Ulster is interested in being

The urge to keep one’s progeny close is

tried to keep it light. “Well, maybe I should go after him for child

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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