
She felt the invisible bond between them tighten and she gave into the realization that she was helpless to stop what was happening between them.

And a small part of her that was growing larger by each day, didn’t care. If only Tieran felt the same.

As the haze lifted and their sexual hunger abated, Cassandra expected Tieran to split as quickly as possible but he surprised her by staying, although he seemed agitated, as if he didn’t know why he wasn’t leaving. “I was wrong to blame you for what has happened,” he admitted, breaking the silence. He climbed to his feet and pulled his jeans on.

His dark hair was beautifully mussed and his abdomen muscles stood out in hard relief against the landscape of his bronze skin.

To look at him was to think of, and desperately want sex and the fact that Cassandra had laid claim to him was a secret thrill even if she wasn’t ready to admit that fact.

“Which part?” she asked.

“All of it,” he said. “I realize you didn’t ask for any of this either. But you’re right about us needing to work together to be good parents. The future of the world rests in your belly. We have a responsibility to work together as a team.”

Her hopes fell and she couldn’t help the bitterness that followed. Work together as a team? Okay, coach. Did he talk to his beloved Serra like that? Or did he wrap his arms around her tenderly when he made love to her?

Thus far, Tieran had simply fucked her like a maddened beast (which she loved) but she could tell he was reserving the sweetest part of himself for someone else and it killed her.

that the words

“What do you mean?”

I’m being asked to sacrifice everything I’ve ever known for a new world that I don’t understand in the least, you’re going to have to stop fighting what you feel for me. I can sense it. You’re holding back, refusing to give into the feelings that are

biologically primed to want you because you are my mate now that we’re

to be appreciative of the fact that he wasn’t going to lie to her just to save her feelings.

Now, she was rethinking that philosophy because the slap of that fucking statement had

always protect, respect, and care for you but do not hope that I will

to hide them. Well, wasn’t that a bowl of rotten

Hey, I like you enough to bang boots but you’re not good enough to

Or maybe start sobbing like a pinched baby because she’d inadvertently been given the First Place

Screw. That.

stalked past him, going to

her action. “What are you doing? You’re naked. You can’t go out

her hand on the doorknob. “I release you from your commitment, Tieran. I told you I wanted more. Being second best has never been my style. I will find someone

one step

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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