
Drink! Drink! Drink!”

The cheer of the people in the club continued as I took the small glass of tequila and downed it.

“Drink! Drink! Drink!”

“Whoooo! Hunter! You can do it!” Someone else cheered as I downed my fourth glass. I sneaked a glance at Howie, the nerd from the English class that had foolishly come to the party without realizing that he was going to be the center of all their attention.

I downed the final glass and another roar of cheer pierced through the club. I couldn’t even see straight, much less walk in a straight line.

I was so screwed.

I’d won the tequila drinking competition as always, but what had I achieved doing that?

Absolutely Fucking Nothing! As usual.

Instead, I was going to have a migraine tonight followed by a bad hangover tomorrow. I staggered to the bathroom and managed to call Fredricko. He picked up on the third ring.

“Need a ride?”

“Yes.” I managed to say and threw up violently into the commode.

Twenty minutes later I was lying in the passenger seat of the old Beetle. My legs were starting to hurt from having little to no leg space but the throbbing in my head wasn’t letting me think of anything else. My legs might as well be in a knot by the time I climbed out of the car like the cartoon shows.

Then I remembered Blue.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

I’d told Blue I’d come home by five p.m but it was past midnight and that meant I was more than six hours late. I had promised her. I rubbed the back of my head with my fingers; I mostly did that when I was disappointed with myself. I didn’t want to think of Blue’s reaction when I got home. After puking all the contents in the club’s washroom, I’d felt a bit better. I climbed the stairs to my apartment and turned the key to the door, already dreading her wrath.

I found the apartment filled with an eerie silence. Even Leslie didn’t bark. Cautiously, I tiptoed into the room, making sure to maintain the pin-drop silence. Normally, when I got home; I’d throw each of my shoes in two different directions before tossing the keys on the dresser. This time, I had to be extra careful like there was a freakin’ baby in the crib that would give me a hard time if disturbed. I found Blue sprawled on the bed, sleeping soundlessly.


That’s right. She was topless again.

The first time I’d seen her bare like that was her first morning with me when I’d lectured her on how she should always cover herself. She’d been alone for a few hours so I couldn’t blame her if she felt the need to be nude. I glanced at the open window and made a mental note to bring some solid blinds; didn’t need any pervy men across the street to ogle her.

My gaze dropped to the t-shirt she’d discarded on the floor, along with the bra that I’d bought her yesterday. The girl had serious issues with clothes, I noticed. She was lying on her front so I had a perfect view of her backside. Her milky slender waist down to her very round...

I groaned, fixing my jeans because things were starting to get lively down south. Blue was too pure for words, and far too innocent for someone like me. She didn’t even understand what it was like to be naked in front of young men and I didn’t know how I could explain it to her. Thinking of her in any erotic way was just off-limits. I was so tainted that I could go to hell if I even thought of touching her. Having her was out of the question.

I decided to not wake her up from her sleep and to prolong my string of apologies for tomorrow.

Apologies? I didn’t even remember the last time I ever apologized to a girl for standing her up. Hunter Brantley never said the word “sorry”.

Blue mumbled something incoherent and turned her face away. I pulled the comforter to her chin and watched her sleep silently. Warmth spread through my heart as I watched her. Shaking my head, I stripped down off my denims, peeled off my t-shirt and left the boxers on.

Sleeping on the couch had become more and more uncomfortable by the passing day and I had to think of solving this predicament soon since sleeping on the bed was a complete ‘No’. I didn’t trust myself to share my bed with a girl. If she was going to be in my bed, I had to have my hands all over her and hers on me. That’s the only way I knew and I couldn’t risk that with Blue.

I’d drifted off to sleep and thought I was dreaming when I dreamed of Blue walking over to my couch in all her naked glory and snuggling up to me in what remaining little space that was left on the couch beside me, and I felt those warm hands wrap around me and something soft touching my chest.


hands touched the

me. I wasn’t

open and I saw the crown of her wavy blue hair nestled against me, those soft breasts touching my chest and her hands around my

the hell, Blue?!” I snarled as I backed away from the

on the couch, surprise registering

a t-shirt or something and why were you on the couch with me?!” I couldn’t keep

at myself, I snapped and there was no way around it. I took my t-shirt that was lying around and

An obvious douche move.

t-shirt and lied down on the bed beside Leslie. I

appeared to be hugging her body fiercely, her

touched her hair softly. “Hey

and I felt

shouldn’t have talked to

but she didn’t say a word. I caressed the side of her face, raking my fingers through her hair. How could I possibly have gotten mad at her? I

my face to

ocean blue eyes towards me. “I miss my family...” she sobbed. “I feel so lonely,

yet and I’d left her alone for hours

you came to the couch to snuggle with


You had your arms around me

whispered, inching closer and sliding into my lap. “And then when I saw you were home, I was so

the fact that the only thing between

gorgeous woman. Although you are absolutely safe with me, I can’t guarantee if I would be able to keep my hands to myself if you hugged me naked like that. Do you understand what I’m saying,

not a baby, Hunter. I’m a grown up.” She said with a serious


fun of

her cheeks. “Do you forgive me for being

to go to school and also work, right?

straight to the bar. It

even eat

tasted sweet and I also had the Nutella jar. I

dentist’s appointment was on its

myself. How

to have some snack?

yawned. “I’m really sleepy. I

decided to let it go, maybe she wasn’t hungry. I checked the time. It was past four a.m.

back to sleep. Nighty-Night.” I said as

She started acting weird and started fidgeting; the way she always did

“What is it Blue?”

you get angry if I

I grinned. “Go

a little farther and patted the right side of the bed. “Sleep

talking about here who had no idea about my

“Are you sure?”

blinking at me. “I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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